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"do you have nightmares rosalie?" mcgonogal questions me for the 3rd time, i sit in silence. refusing to answer any of her useless questions, knowing they won't help me.

"i don't understand why you care" i tell her, squinting my eyes at the distressed woman who looks like she could strangle me at this moment in time.

"because your behaviour is starting to get out of control, your grades are slipping and you have just beaten a girl so hard she can't walk!" mcgonogal shouts, her fuming voice making me flinch a little.

"she deserved it" i spit back and mcgonogal scoffs at my child like behaviour.

"it's not good enough rosalie! if you carry on like this then you won't be at hogwarts for much longer" she tells me, making a reality check kick in.

i huff and it echoes the room as it goes silent, i shuffle in my chair awkwardly not knowing what to do or say.

"umbridge is so close to taking over, and once she does she isn't going to make life much easier for you rosalie. so stay out of trouble" mcgonogal doesn't tell me, she orders me. and i nod my head in defeat.

"your guardians will be coming in on friday for your meeting, to discuss your punishment" mcgonogal informs me with a sigh, and i slump in my seat trying to puzzle together which guardian?

"oh! not your muggle guardians. it'll be remis lupin, or sirius black" mcgonogal adds on, noticing the confusion on my face. lupin and sirius are my legal guardians?

"now, you are excused. go back to your dorm and stay out of trouble" she dismisses me and i leave her office in a hurry. knowing classes finished around an hour ago.

my feet stomp against the floor as i make my way through the castle, getting some uneasy and scared looks of peers as they avoid me any time i got close.

"what the fuck do you think your playing at rosie?" harry creeps up behind me and i roll my eyes and slow down my fast pace towards the common room.

"harry, i've been lectured enough today" i tell the boy before i turn away from him, but he pulls me back desperately.

"what on earth possessed you to do that to her?!" he asks shaking me back and forth, trying to get some sort of information out of me as he flashes me pleading and desperate eyes.

"she's a bitch" i shove harry off me, the mention of heidi already riling me back up. her words ringing back through my ears like an alarm clock.

"god rosie" harry breathes out, shaking his head shamefully at me "i don't even know who you are anymore"

a wave of sadness hit me like heavy stone crushing my heart into a million pieces, my twin brother staring down at me ashamed to even be related to me.


"get off me harry" i choke out as the back of my throat burns, tears threatening to escape my already bloodshot eyes.

i storm away from the boy, trying to keep my breathing from shaking into a uncontrollable mess and brush past a crowd of clueless 1st years who gaze at me cluelessly.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now