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i rub my eyes violently and sit up, my back aching from the painfully uncomfortable bed that i sleep on. 3:25AM the time reads on the ancient alarm clock and i stretch my arms.


i scoff with annoyance with the continuous bang noise at my window that had been going on for minutes now, and woke me up.

i stand up out of my bed and see a small pebble being launched at my window, causing the annoying and echoey bang sound.

who is throwing pebbles at my window at 3:25 in the morning?

i climb up onto my windowsill and look down, the bars in my way i stare shocked at the view below me. i rub my eyes a bit more to make sure im not dreaming and this is real.

there are 3 very familiar boys stood at the bottom of my aunt and uncles house. my stomach does cartwheels in my stomach as i am still convinced this is a dream.

i open my window a little bit and stare down at them speechlessly, as they stand innocently.

draco waves at me with a polite smile on his lips while mattheo is stood next to him with a large pile of pebbles in his hand, when he notices me he smirks and throws another pebble at my window. and theo stands next to mattheo with a lazy smile on his face, he laughs at my speechless reaction.

"what are you doing here?!" i try not to shout too loud to avoid waking up anyone.

"rescuing you!!" mattheo cheerfully replies back and i can't help but laugh emotionally at the 3 innocent boys stood on my front porch.

"rosie why are their bars on your window?" draco asks cluelessly with humour laced in his voice, he probably thinks it's some sort of joke.

"because my aunt and uncle hate me and my brother so much they are not letting us go back to hogwarts! well harry left anyway.." i say a little disappointed and mattheo scowls harshly.

"over my dead body!" he shouts aggressively a little too loud and i shush him, he apologises silently.

"pack your stuff, we are coming to get you" theo shouts as quiet as he could and i waste no time by grabbing my large backpack and shoving every single belonging i own in to it. by every single belonging i mean my book and 3 jumpers and i was around done.

when i get back to my window i see mattheo waiting outside it hovering on his broomstick, draco and theo waiting a bit further up.

mattheo pulls out his unique wand and casts a spell to make the bars disappear, i couldn't quite hear what the spell was cause he said it too fast but i stare at him cluelessly and he shrugs his shoulders.

"get on potter"


the ride to dracos manor was therapeutic, peaceful.

id never seen the streets of london look so empty before, it was almost like i was in a different reality. everyone's lights were switched off and you only saw a car strolling by every couple minutes.

i had only been to london a few times before, only when i was going to get the train back to hogwarts though. so i never really got to look around properly, but god i was getting a good look up here.

the weather was perfect, it only being summer even at night it's not even cold. there was a gentle breeze every now and then that made the broomstick swerve to the side a little but it wasn't too bad.

i sat securely on the back of mattheos obviously brand new broomstick, id never seen this type of broom before and i knew a normal broomstick would struggle carrying 2 people on it. but it was riding along smoothly without any troubles, knowing draco's wealthiness he probably bought them all as a gift.

i had no idea where dracos manor was, id never been before in my life. although draco talks about it often, flexing the castle like mansion.

i lean forward a little and rest on mattheos back, much needed sleep nearly taking over me as the night sky gets lighter and the streets of london start filling up once again ready for a busy day.

authors note

sorry this is kind of crap better chapters coming later❤️

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now