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quidditch on a friday? yes please.

draco said the stadium was booked up this weekend with the gryffindor game, and for some reason the boys all refuse to play on a sunday.

even though it is freezing tonight everyone wrapped up as warm as they could, and even people from different houses are coming to watch.

the nerves have been eating up my guts all week about this game. slytherin vs ravenclaw. word on the street has it that benjamin dyer who is the ravenclaw seeker is the best player that hogwarts has seen in years, or maybe it's just cocky ravenclaws making it up.

people swarm through the castle, desperate to get to the stadium as quick as possible and retrieve the best possible seats they could. including me and enzo who promised the boys he would come, but also with one of his other friends.. or girlfriend should i say?

opal told enzo she would join us for the match, and take a risk and sit in the slytherin stands with us which is very daring considering she is a hufflepuff.

enzo and opal both hold onto me as i ruthlessly shove through the crowd of 3rd years, desperate to get front row seats. and after a few curse words and angry 6th years screaming at us we finally got them.

i grab the front of the stand, practically claiming it as opal and enzo do the same. the stadium fills up within minutes as the crowds get louder, and louder.

i sigh nervously as the band starts playing, indicating the players are about to fly out at any moment now.

"apparently that benjamin in ravenclaw is good" enzo tells me, him silently asking if knew any more information about him.

"yeah he is, he played against hufflepuff and he found the snitch in the 2nd minute" opal tells us nervously as i feel my heart clench and my legs go wobbly.

first the ravenclaws fly out, doing a lap around the field they wave at their screaming fans. i spot kyle, his brown shaggy hair blowing in the wind with his fellow peer benjamin.

they set up in their positions and wait as the slytherin team come out and our stands starts screaming like crazy as we cheer for them, the stand shaking with force.

i exchange eye contact with theo and give him a confident nod, sensing the nervousness on his face. theo never really got nervous unless people started putting unnecessary pressure on him and he'd told me draco had been doing it a lot this week.

"welcome to the late friday night match RAVENCLAW VS SLYTHERIN!" lee jordan yells over the microphone making the crowd squeal with shouts and cheers as the teams get set up.

out of the corner of my eye i see opal shiver into enzo body warmth as she embraces and snuggles into his body. he freezes and his eyes move over to mine as he gives me a panicked expression.

i gesture over to her, make your move! and he extends his left arm and wraps it around her, her smile gets wider as she nuzzles more into his body. i give him a positive thumbs up and he grins excitedly as the match is about to start.

the quaffle is launched into the air and is easily intercepted by blaise who dodges the ravenclaw chasers by waving in and out of them and speeds towards the hoop, everyone in the stands start screaming like loose cannons as the beater gets ready to defend but blaise fools him and throws it into the opposite hoop.

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