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i practically run to my next lesson, skipping giddily down the corridor on time. i giggle to myself happily knowing this is my last lesson with kyle.

"hey there potter, on time for lesson for once?" draco and blaise appear behind me, their uniforms looking scruffy and untidy as per usual.

"yup, today is the last lesson on the project" i grin "then after halloween half term we will be working on something different"

"it's about time, feels like we've been working on this project for fucking years" blaise sighs, a bored expression appearing on his face thinking about the project.

"this term has gone pretty fast to be honest" draco shrugs honestly as we approach the potions classroom, he opens the door and lets me in first before we carry on our conversation.

"well yeah that's because you were suspended for most of it" i giggle typically, making draco scoff and roll his eyes before we take a seat at our own desk.

kyle watches me place my bag on the floor take out my quill and watches me sit down, i meet his eyes and smile awkwardly for him to give back the gesture as i uncomfortably shift in my seat.

we wait for the rest of the students to enter the classroom before snape swiftly starts up his lesson and hands out the cauldrons and other supplies to make the potion.

i had never been the greatest at making potions, that's why i preferred sitting next to pansy or even blaise because they were both good at making potions but me? my potions always go straight to shit.

"before we start, i'd like to make it the upmost clear that you know the rules and legislations of love potions" snape starts, his voice more stern than usual and everyone drags their attentions to him.

"love potions have been banned at hogwarts for longer than you have been alive" he tells us strictly, his eyes narrowing between us all.

"but we study love potions in school for information and informative purposes. which means if you smuggle any of these potions out of class and use them on yourself or another student you will be permanently suspended from hogwarts and probably any other school you will try applying for" he carries on, making his point clear. he then continues and tells us what to do to start making the potion.

"i didn't realise you could get in so much trouble for using a love potion" kyle admits, standing up with the rest of the class and taking off his robe as we start the practical.

"first you will add water to your caldron, and wait for it to heat up" snape pours some water into his caldron and we all do the same, i lean forward and shake my head.

this is going to be a long lesson.


"no! you need to stir it anticlockwise! not clockwise!" i tell kyle and he pulls his hair with anger, as everyone else around us slowly looses the will to live after an already excruciating exhausting 20 minutes of potion making.

"but- which way is anti clockwise?" kyle furrows his eyebrows with confusion and i snatch the spatula looking item from his hand and start stirring it.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now