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we sit in the kitchen of the malfoy manor, the dining room was empty but we all decided it would be best to just eat in the kitchen since it felt to formal to sit in their all alone. and 5 reckless teenagers in a room with expensive cutlery everywhere probably wouldn't end well.

"i made pancakes!" pansy plates up her pancakes off the pan and onto a fancy plate that she had placed on the counter.

"first dibs!" enzo quickly approaches pansy while licking his lips at the scrumptious food in front of him.

enzo picks the plate up greedily before grabbing a fork and sitting down, he shoves the pancake into his mouth and chews sloppily.

pansy pours more batter onto the pan and it makes a satisfying sizzle sound, she turns around and glances at us. her green eyes moving through every one of us.

"theo and rosie not up yet?" she questions, cocking an eyebrow. i shrug my shoulders and enzo makes a confused humming sound.

"probably shagging" draco mutters from the corner of the table, fiddling with a green apple in the palm of his hand.

"draco, watch your language" pansy lectures while she flips the crisp pancakes and places it back on the stove, draco scoffs.

"sorry mum" he rolls his eyes and bites out his apple.

pansys eyes slowly move from dracos to mine and i repeatedly shake my head as she glances at me.

"go get them up mattheo" she orders bossily and i groan loudly, throwing my head forward onto the counter.

"no! i don't want to walk in on that!" i scrunch my eyebrows up in disgust and draco laughs hysterically, i kick him in his shin.

"do it, or no pancakes" she smirks mischievously and i groan even louder before dragging myself out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

my legs feel heavy and my lungs burn as i walk as fast as i can to theo's room, i knock on the door loudly.

"theo! get up pansy made breakfast" i shout loudly, and knock on the door again.


i look around confused and i shout his name again, only for no response.

i hum to myself and roll my eyes, he must be deaf. i open his door and i see the empty bed in front of me, his bedsheets were screwed up and his book was on his bedside cabinet along with his pack of cigarettes.

where would he go without his book or cigarettes?

i have an idea.

a small smug smirk grows on my lips as i turn around on the corridor heading straight towards rosalie's room, i knock firmly 3 times and shout her name.

"rosie! time to get up, pansy made breakfast" i shout through the door and my hand grips the expensive door knob as shuffling erupts the other side of it.

i was tired of waiting around so i waste no time but shoving open the door, rosie was laid in her bed with theo's arms wrapped around her. his arm was laid under her neck and she snored softly as she clang onto him.

truthfully, i hadn't seen theo sleep in a while. before he had confessed to me he had sleeping problems since he was a kid and they have never really gone away but recently i had noticed his energy deteriorating more and more. like they do every year until things start getting better again, only for them to deteriorate.

i hesitate on waking the two up, rosalie's eyes were puffy which means she could have been crying through the night. i also know rosie has suffered with nightmares every since i met her, and they peak at random times so maybe last night she wasn't so lucky.

i knock on the door again, trying to wake the two from their slumber and rosie groggily opens her eyes her blue eyes meeting my brown ones. she look around groggily, as she takes in her surroundings.

she notices theo who his practically tangled into her is still sleeping peacefully next to her, she sighs with relief and nuzzles closer to him.

theo stirs and stretches his tired limbs above his head, he places his hand on rosie's back and strokes it gently. opening his eyes he stares at me blankly as i stand awkwardly at the door.

"okay lovebirds enough get up" i bang the door loudly and theo scowls at me as rosie sits up of the bed quietly as she adjusts to the brightness of the sunlight outside.


mattheo leaves the bedroom with a smug grin on his face leaving me and theo in the depths of our own silence.

"good sleep?" theo asks while grinning widely at me, i don't respond to him i just smile cheekily at his perky attitude.

the dark bags under his eyes had completely disappeared, leaving his beautiful eyes just for me to stare at without having to worry about how much sleep he is getting on a night.

"did you have a good sleep?" i stroke his face lightly with my thumb and he giddily smiles at me with excitement.

"i didn't wake up once!" he beams while shaking me back and forth.

"i guess im just magic huh?" i smirk and he returns the expression "you get a full nights sleep with with my presence" i flex my magical powers and he shrugs playfully, playing along with my joke.

"holding you makes me sleep better, i don't know why" he crosses his legs on the bed and fiddles with his pajamas.

"well you deserve a good night sleep after you saved me from my nightmare" i try not to wince back at the memory of the awful dream that makes my heart clench.

"you know i'd save you from anything bella" he grins and chews on his lip while grabbing onto my hand. i genuinely smile back, and i tilt my head as we maintain eye contact stubbornly trying not to let go.

he'd started growing his hair out at the beginning of the summer and god did it look beautiful, his naturally curly locks made him look even better too.

our faces were millimetres away from each other, our eyes still locked as he traces my cheek softly with the pad of his thumb.

his blue eyes move down to my lips and back up, his silent way of consent and i nod my head. his hand cups my chin, he pulls me in closer so my lips are just hovering his.

the world was silent, like nothing in the world could disturb us. he strokes my hair softly before tucking it behind my ear in a gentle manner, his eyes meet mine again making my heart warm and flutter nervously.

i swore his lips touched mine, just for a slight millisecond. before everything was shattered into tiny pieces and we were disturbed.

"guys can you fucking hurry up?" mattheo barges into the room and stares at us blankly, i pull away from theo quickly as embarrassment creeps through my body and makes my cheeks go red.

"we are coming" theo says, his voice dry and monotone as mattheo smirks at us both suspiciously.

"okay, don't be too long" mattheo slams the door shut leaving me sighing a breath i didn't know i was holding.

"fucking cockblock"

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