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Y/N's P.O.V





It had been three days since Kakashi and I made up; our times more translucently spent as our trusts slowly recovered from its previous assault. Although, we were both careful not to indulge into our carnal desires, loving kisses and passionate touches lifted the dead-weight we had been carrying for months. Kakashi was a cheerful person within the confines of my house while outside, he remained the same aloof, stoic ninja. We had not informed his Jonin friends about the reunion and Kakashi decided we had to spend time with ourselves before allowing affiliated people to know of our relationship.

As of now, Kakashi was in a council meeting with Genma, Aoba, Raido and Guy – the former emergency team created to assassinate me if I chose to betray the Leaf. Given Godaime's approval, I was going to be trained in order to rank up to Anbu status. Ko had also been summoned to assess my chakra control; the skilled Byakugan-user had previously monitored my techniques and would be able to describe his findings clearly. 

I had told Kakashi of that night when Ko met me, told him how shame took residence in my heart every time I gazed at his paled complexion. I hated how Ko Hyuga had forgiven me and hated myself for never truly giving people a chance to explain themselves; my prudish nature believed that there were no other victims other than me. I also confessed how I was dreading meeting Izumo and Kotetsu, having had lost the power to even look them in the eyes. But Kakashi was equally kind like Ko. He told me that some people had an affinity to comprehend the pain hidden deep inside people, and for that, they gave out chances for rectification. Ko was not an emotional man who gave into his actions, rather he was smart and deductive, which allowed him to make the right decision and that explained why all three of my friends wanted to embrace me instead of shunning me away. 

Something about these Konoha ninjas just tugged my heart strings. They were exceptionally careful of their surroundings and kept true to their nature, most had a level of respect they exercised at all times and those who were proud, had every right to be. Years of battle and allegiance to their nation rendered the males in this place of power, honing a will of fire that not even the ocean could douse. And I was the wife of such a revered man. I started giggling just thinking about Kakashi. Kami, he had worn his shorts last night – his God gifted thighs were like a siren beckoning me. It revived a feeling I encountered years ago when I was married to him. Those tantalizing banters and teasing looks he had passed me while walking around in his short pants, his muscles rippling with powerful strides. I was, then, mesmerized by such a sight and I was, now, still drooling to bite his thighs.

"Such a teaser!" I huffed, walking outside Kakashi's – our – secluded house. Despite his attempts to get me out of bed in the morning, I had remained asleep until afternoon. And I had good reasons! Kakashi had told me last night that he was needed for a mission training a small squad of Genins, Ebisu's team, whose squad sensei had been occupied with another assignment that proved difficult to complete. Later, he had to attend the council meeting and strategize a possible training project for me to complete within the next six months. Finally, he had to accompany Shikaku-sama and Genma to the borders and monitor the activities of recent times. Now that Touchan was dead, the Leaf strongly believed there was going to be an assault soon by the Akatsuki. Therefore, Kakashi was going to have a busy day and couldn't exactly inform his exact arrival time. But he also suggested that I should train with my summons, or at least, contact them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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