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Talk about obsession

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Talk about obsession..hehehehehehe

Y/N's P.O.V

Humiliated, that was the one word befitting my situation for I was walking the streets of Konoha wearing nothing but Kakashi's jacket while he kept on reading father's book. People kept passing me judgmental looks and even Touchan's brows furrowed watching my dishonored form. He stood there with his arms crossed; closely looking at how frigidly I behaved in front of the silver haired man. The jacket did not go unnoticed and I could see a conspicuous scowl forming, whether he was disappointed because I lost the fight or if it was the fact that Kakashi gave me his jacket, I did not know. In all honesty, I felt rather insulted because even after pinning his form down, I was unable to land one fatal blow on the man. Biting my lips, head bowed in shame, I stood beside my father who had not looked away once. Naruto and Sakura- the girl who kept crying- joined us soon and even they had quizzical looks embracing their faces. My cheeks burned crimson as Kakashi peeked at me lowering his book, his eyes lingering on the opening of my cleavage. Was I angry? Yes. Was I blushing? Yes. But my pride hurt just acknowledging his presence beside me and that soon caused my flushing face to frown.

" Kakashi sensei! Your jacket!" Naruto pointed out the obvious.

"Oh? Hmm, your sister had a mishap so I had to help her"

"Exactly what happened?"

"Well Sakura, that's something Y/N-chan can answer" Kakashi looked at me, "come on, tell them" he cooed.

"Fu...!" I looked at the blonde's face and realized he was sensitive to these languages, "fudge"

"Huh?" all of them looked at me confused.

"Fudge fell on my shirt so Kakashi gave me his jacket"

"You could have just washed it with a little water, you were near the river, dattebayo" I nodded solemnly because my excuse had been so idiotic that it didn't even fool Naruto.

"Actually, your sister's shirt was damaged when she fought me so as the gentleman that I am, I offered my jacket to her"

"It was damaged?" I screeched looking at him, "it felt like your perverted hands were trying to strip me naked!"

"I can assure you that I find you mildly pleasing...that isn't enough to find you attractive" my mouth hung open as he blatantly called me ugly. For seconds, I stopped breathing and tried comprehending his harsh comment. He found me unattractive? I slouched at his remark and became overtly conscious about my form. This man did not charm me in any possible ways but to hear one of Konoha's most eligible bachelor calling me moderate stung.

"Who cares about what you think? You're an ugly old man" I scoffed at his expressionless face.

"I did not think being 30 makes one old"

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