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Y/N's P.O.V 

I could not exactly blame Kakashi for what he did last night but part of me felt particularly annoyed with his actions. What had been a nice, quaint atmosphere turned irritating because of how he poked around with my memories. It's as if he was trying to amplify my frustration.

Of course, I knew that my memories weren't fully developed and there were lags that mystified everything around this place. But what could I do in situations where I had no control? I stayed positive but with the way Kakashi questioned me, it felt more like an interrogation. No wonder why I had snapped. He was constantly reminding me that almost all my life's memories were gone – and insinuated that I was 'okay' with it.

When I awoke, I had half a mind to give him the cold shoulder and the other half wanted to civilly discuss what the hell he was up to, but alas, Kakashi's presence was missing. There wasn't even a dent mark on the bed meaning he had left earlier than dawn for work. It irked me since this had been a growing pattern. Kakashi would do or say something dreadful, I would get angry and next thing I knew, he was away with work and tended to amass undivided attention to the missions instead of discussing our problems in a calm manner. On the other hand, it was not even his fault if Godaime called him at odd hours for service. By now, I was used to with his sudden disappearances and the opposite, noticeably getting less annoyed by his timeline. He was a sought after shinobi with barely any free time and so, whatever time he gave me, which was all of it, I was appreciative. It wasn't that I despised being alone. My own time allowed peaceful reconciliations with my body, resting and taking great care of it.

However, something was clearly different about me today. I was more attuned to my surroundings, observing the crevices of what felt like new discoveries. The house, this big manor, emanated warmth, betrayal and heartaches, all of which I had been a part of but now, I was walking on it with no reminiscence. Even coming out of the bedroom felt like an invasion of privacy; the wooden floor creaked as I made my way towards the kitchen, perplexed with the way I was perceiving my home. As if, today had been the first day I truly, truly, noticed Vibrant Leaves. The upstairs small dormitory that had shared bathrooms, the empty beds... I had been told they used to house young orphans back in the day but now, it was a private property owned by my father. When I tried finding out who had lived here, the only eerie responses I managed were "ah! Those little rascals... one day they were here and the next, they were all gone!" and "I heard they were kidnapped and murdered" or "Their bodies were sold to the black market for experiments".

No one could give me accurate information and most of the people living across my house were newly-wed couples or old people who barely remembered anything. It wasn't like I never questioned things around me, I just tried not to hurt my sanity over it. But now, after what Kakashi said, I couldn't sit around idly.

In fact, my thoughts were running amok with accusations springing here and there. Who was my mother? Touchan never answered that; and at first, I thought it was that busty old blonde leader! But on close assessment, I realized she couldn't be my mother. Our physique and traits were unsimilar. She hadn't met my father for years, an impossible point to avoid since she had to be there in order to conceive me. When I had poked the leader to spill my father's secrets, anticipating a great love story – perhaps, my mother had been a rogue ninja – she barked a great deal of anger before closing her office doors to my face. Strangely, I couldn't find the names of Vibrant Leaves caretakers; those names were classified under the council's protection act. Using my position as a Sannin's daughter proved futile since the leasing department made no exception for my case. They simply refused to defy orders from the higher-ups and said I could bring a letter that attested I had gotten permission to access those documents. After those interactions, I became even more curious as to what the hell had happened in Konoha and with me. So much secrets revolving in this house and yet, I grew up here.

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