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A/N: We are still disclosing Y/N's past life. 






It occurred after I had returned to Konoha, leaving behind memories and a blessed life that I was able to build in Sunagakure.

What – one might have asked. Well, timid mind and rambunctious self had gained another hobby. Not as much as a hobby, more of a curious case that began distracting me. I couldn't understand how it started or when it even peeked at me but one day, out of nowhere, I had stumbled upon the ninja I despised and then, many events turned the hatred to something serene – curiosity.

The feeling was peculiar; it started off as a slow manifestation of wondering how he was doing and what the hell he was up to now. Then the feeling became constant as I trudged through my chaotic personality and lifestyle to watch his disciplined routine; straightened back, kind eyes and genuinely admirable comportment won over anyone who talked to him. Soon, I was tumbling down the spiraling cave he created inside my mind. I was infatuated, intrigued and so wrapped around his dainty fingers that it borderline hurt my ego. My head hurt from the dreams that it weaved and heart panicked every time I saw his face in the crowd. As if, I couldn't escape those eyes or maybe because I went outside on times where he would frequent the market place.

I wasn't exactly stalking, no. I was gathering intel on the man. Looking at all the women he paid attention to, how he would have only a few selected friends, that he wasn't kin on wasting money on bizarre marketed possessions and above all, his complete ignorance of the fact that he had ignited a scorching fire in me. Honestly, I couldn't tell anymore. Did he know how I felt? Was he aware and purposely acted oblivious? What if other people realized my intentions and warned him?

Fingers were numbed. Stomach ached with unwanted butterflies. Nights passed with a desire that slowly bewitched my senses of rationale. I was cursed by this abominable, disgusting emotion but Kami knew I had no control over falling head over heels. Konoha wasn't supposed to feel like home. I thought I had said my goodbyes and moved on to a new life but it seemed that the village had a few tricks up her sleeves. There seemed to be new vibrancy in its atmosphere, ambience had taken a gentler touch while I shamelessly romanticized the seasonal changes.

How could I not help it? How was it possible for any girl to not fall desperately in love with this man? What if there were girls who tried approaching him? What would I do if he responded to their confession? Would he ever want to be with someone else when I existed beside him? See, thoughts like these and depleting common sense made it easier to center my entire life around this man. Right now, he had his hands in one of the books he adored. His soft honey-like voice captured my attention as he discussed why I should use my free time to look through its contents. I tried focusing but my eyes were fixated on his broad chest – oh, what wouldn't I do to just rest my head there and hear the deep rumbles as he spoke. Those massive, long fingers could rather trail down my skin instead of the old pages. Scarred face that basically gave nothing away of his past traumas, which were many, looked kindly at my gawking appearance and maybe, if he could look through me, he would see that I was fantasizing about his lips on mine. Brown eyes twinkled under the yellow-sodium light inside the small academy library.

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