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A/N: I humbly request you people to read "Where I See Myself"- a Madara Uchiha fanfic  by MizzGinger  "MizzGinger" because the story is incredibly executed, the plot mesmerizing and the characters are true to their personalities with a hint of a twist. It has been a while since I binge read a book due to its exciting storyline and excellent writing! TRUST ME, this is a story you will remember till the end of times! 😭  Beautiful! Absolutely heartwarming story! 







"If I had known then, what I know now, 

I wouldn't have said what I said. 

I took the long road, thought I'd be better on my own...

Sometimes what's right, is wrong instead. 

Cause I was too young and I didn't understand that 

You were the one 

And I can't wait to see you again."


Can't Wait (feat Anna Yvette) by Jim Yosef 

Y/N's P.O.V.

The next two days were rough for me; mentally and physically. Just thinking about approaching Kakashi induced high-fever, as I was well aware of how unworthy I was of his love. With full memory on display, I could finally connect the threads that was our lives and how in each one of my visions, he remained the undisputed champion. Sure, he was not perfect in professing his love for me and at times, it sounded more aggressive and unwanted rather than hesitance but I could no longer deny how devoted he was to me. It seemed that Sandaime's caring words were reflective of what he had seen in Kakashi long before I witnessed it myself; even as I suffered cognitive instability, he delivered a powerful statement which he knew was going to stick to me like a memory stamp – waiting to reemerge as I realized exactly who Kakashi was.

*flashback begins*

"Sarutobi-sama, can I ask you something? Why did Kakashi marry me?" even though I hesitated showing my distrust on the man whom I had married, in the presence of such a revered leader, I knew I was safe. "I mean, I know I was bought for reasons I do not know. But a man such as Kakashi, he must have had many agreeable partners. I just want to know why was it me? Why did he choose for an arranged marriage?"

"Are you suggesting you are not suitable for him?" now that he phrased it as such, I rather felt embarrassed. Was I questioning Kakashi's competence at being my husband or was I suggesting myself to be of lower rank? Weighing the lists of abilities I mastered, Kakashi was far out of my league – in body and mind.

"No, I mean he has a life of his own. A shinobi life. He had his freedom and, this seems so well planned to me at times. Yet, I know my mistress was the one who sold me to you."

"You must think of me poorly." I wanted to protest. I wanted him to know that before marrying Kakashi, I never thought of him much. In fact, I had forgotten all about him only after a few days of marriage. Truly, can anyone blame me? I would cower in shame and prejudice whenever Kakashi was around; constantly compared myself with all the brave female shinobis he met outside and reassessed the poor way I behaved with him. My nerves were getting the best of me and I was still trying to perform as a dutiful wife but with so little knowledge of him, and myself, I was in a conundrum. But even in those moments, my husband ended up exuding such warmth and delightfulness, that my fear waned. He brought about a side of me that was bubbly and I got to see Kakashi from a perspective he had never granted anyone else.

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