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Y/N's P.O.V

One thing that I dearly missed was the freedom to wake up whenever I wished. Touchan wasn't strict when it came to sleeping schedules, mostly because he himself returned late and drunk. That habit turned my morning routine to dust as I woke up usually in the afternoon. So, it came as a shock when Naruto barged into my house and flipped off the blanket, demanding that I get ready in under five minutes because mission would be commenced at seven. I was not pleased by his loud voice in my house or the way he pushed me inside the bathroom. What mission needed to be debriefed at seven? The early hours of dawn was brightening up the area however, it was still early for the markets to open. Only a handful of shops were providing services, mostly tea stalls selling snacks to travelers and morning guards.

"Do you know where your sensei wants us to meet?"

"Yes! First we will pick up Sakura-chan and then we will go to the end street corner, there is an alley. We wait for him there"

"Why that alley?"

"Hmm?" he looked up, his eyes squinted to focus on an answer, "I don't know. I think because it's closer for him to find us"

"Okay" I was still drowsy from the lack of proper sleep, yawning profusely; I walked with watery eyes that refused to open fully. All I could think of was sleep and mochi...huh...what wouldn't I do for a piece of mochi? Sakura's house wasn't far away from the market either; it was a decent looking house with staircase transitioning upwards to a simple wooden door. The jade-eyed girl ran to the bottom with a happy smile and greeted us. Unlike me, these two were clearly over the moon to have each other back. The walk had been a fairly pleasant one, Sakura and Naruto talked about the possible ways to enhance their leadership skills, how to make Kakashi pay for their meals after completing the missions or if they could even ask the other teams to join for a barbecue night. All of their conversation kept me busy as we approached the corner street alley. The area was decent, wooden windows were barred shut, the entire street remained hushed that not even the cats dared to make a sound. The sunrays grazed our skin as its heat sweetly warmed our bodies. I closed my eyes to cheat my way into getting more sleep. It didn't help at all, instead my eyes burned and the improper posture- my body was slouched against the wall with one foot propped behind it for support- caused my body to remain tensed instead of relaxing.

"Now we wait"

"He'll be here"

"You sure?"

"Of course, Sakura-chan! Team seven is back! To some extent! I am sure he is pumped up" I hummed listening to Naruto's anticipative statements. However, seconds turned to minutes and then to a full hour. It was now eight in the morning and the silver-haired man had yet to show his face. I loved the morning sun's gentle warmth but at that point, sleep-deprived, I wanted to be back into the covers of my house under the fan and just waste my day away. Was this a power play? Another trick to show us that we were inferior to him while he made us anxiously await his arrival? Whatever it was, it had pissed me off a little especially because I hadn't had breakfast.

"You're late!" Naruto accused loudly. I heard the lousy footsteps of another individual. I didn't even look at him, out of spite and anger.

"Finally, you're here" the girl sighed.

"Gee...Sorry about that" Kakashi's cool suave voice tried dissipating the arising problem, his unpunctuality, "This time it took longer than I thought to write up the documents for the new team"

"Today is our new team's first mission! Aren't you fired up?" Naruto once again was obnoxiously loud, "You've always been like that, Kakashi sensei!"

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