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I just finished watching this anime called Beelzebub and let me tell you. It made me laugh so hard that I wonder why not many people talk about this. I highly recommend you guys watch it; it might be on Crunchyroll however, if you want to watch it for free, visit gogoanime. It's just 60 episodes, the duration is between 22-24 minutes. This is the reason why this chapter publishing got delayed. No apologies because I enjoyed the little gap. This book needs me to re-watch Shippuden from the start, 500 episodes not including the movies! So this book will be quite lengthy but I am dedicated to finish this. After all, there's the third part to this series.




Y/N's P.O.V

A day had passed.

I was done tossing and turning and thinking how Akako was delighted to have had touched Kakashi. After all, didn't she say she knew how to please him? Somehow, the idea of Kakashi not being a virgin was maddening to me, downright preposterous and infuriating. How could he? Kenzo, against his better judgement, decided he wanted to stay mostly because he was waiting for Tadeo to send a message telepathically and also, he was close to finding out Kakashi's house. Just as I was told, I did not visit Kakashi last night even though, part of me dissented against the idea and demanded to know why he was pushing me away. Maybe it was my fault; I shouldn't have had high hopes. I mean, just because we had a few good conversations, laughs and late night talks, didn't indicate that he saw me more than just a team member. I wasn't even officially in his team. Groaning at this realization, I slammed my face against the pillows, mumbling curses while my hands curled on the blankets, pulling them over my head.

One creature was not satisfied seeing me this way. Kenzo had hissed recurrently, complained that I was more pathetic than he had last seen me, and maniacally laughed thinking how soon he would be able to find the ninken master's house. Kenzo not only thought about getting his revenge but he was quite impressed seeing how a ninja who had eight dogs, in Kenzo's word- mongrels, was able to hide his physical prints and scents. That made the chase even better for the little devil.

It had been boring for me to pass an entire day without my brother, without Kakashi or even small missions that usually occupied most of the day. I could visit Izumo, Kotetsu and Ko but I knew they were busy with work. Once again, I realized that life before Konoha was much better. At least back then, I didn't have to officially wait to spend time with Naruto or my father. I was still able to be close to my brother but Touchan had started disappearing for 'research' missions. Distance increased and the less we met, the more mysterious his identity became. I liked how he was overprotective of me but now, with responsibilities on my shoulder, I was afraid he was letting go of me. The way it crippled my confidence was atrocious and maybe, in these situations, my team captain could have helped me but Kami knows why he decided to go against me visiting him. My vision blurred as I rolled off the bed with blankets covering me, I was desolated and to some degree, lonely. Sniffing and looking redder by the minute, I walked to the refrigerator hoping to find something sweet to douse this sudden abandonment issues I faced. The chocolate cake at the center with fudge on top seemed perfect and just as I was about to grab it, take a huge piece and guiltily devour it, a pair of red eyes jumped from the bottom and tackled me to the floor. His giant paws slapped my cheeks harshly before jumping away to the dining room, where I heard him chuckle.

"I swear Kenzo, one day I will shave that silver hair of yours if you keep pissing me off," I mumbled not holding any energy to match the warning.

"I am a cat, Y/N. Sometimes I have bursts of energy that needs to be used. Anyway, there are two good news for you" rolling over on my stomach, I wiggled towards the dining area like a maggot still carrying a miserable air around my form. "I know you are sad and hurting" I looked at his irritated eyes, "but have some dignity please. You are my master after all and it hurts my ego to see how pathetic you are"

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