003 - Bird's Opening

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— bird's opening —

GAR, CONNER AND HAZEL RACED TO A SECLUDED PARKING GARAGE, THE LEVELS COMPLETLY VOID OF ANY LIGHT. Just a block up, Dawn, Kory, Dick and Hank had been called to a bank robbery, but the twist was they were parents and their kids had been locked somewhere in the parking garage. Dick had given the three orders to find and safely secure the kids and then join them at the bank, but they had little luck so far. Hazel and Gar walked together, Gar tilting his head to follow the sound of heartbeats. Their footsteps echoed through the quiet space, the only light provided by Hazel, but just enough to see in front of them.

"I can sense them," Hazel mumbled, looking over her shoulder. "But I can't pinpoint it. Can you hear anything?"

"Uh... Maybe," Gar mumbled.

"We found the kids. Safe and sound," Conner announced, his voice echoing in their earpieces.

Hazel let out a small sigh of relief but Gar kept moving. "Then? What-?" Gar walked further into the garage, his eyes trained on a dark maroon van. Hazel looked at him quizzically and Gar motioned her on. "I still hear heartbeats." Gar rushed to the van, trying to peek through the darkened windows. Hazel held her hand up, a light illuminated the inside of the van. "Shit."

Gar opened the van doors, and another dozen people sat in the back of a van, red hoods pulled over their heads. Hazel reached out and carefully removed the red fabric. A man with dishevelled ginger hair stared at Hazel, his mouth covered by cloth, but he tried to talk to the pair all the same.

Hazel's eyes widened and panic ran through her bones. "Superboy!" Hazel yelled, turning away from the people in the car. She pressed her finger to the ear piece, connecting contact to Dick. "Nightwing, the people in the bank aren't the parents," Hazel explained in a rush. "They're here with me and Beast Boy."

Dick cursed then the sound of an explosion filled her ears. Hazel flinched and Gar slowly turned to her, his eyes wide. Hazel's eyes went green and she let out a sigh, the familiar sense of her team lives running through her. Hazel squeezed his hand and nodded softly. "It's okay, they're okay," Hazel said quickly. Gar nodded quickly, his tense shoulders dropping. "Call paramedics and get the police here." Gar nodded, pressing his hand to the ear piece.

Hazel walked to the parents, removing their red hoods and smiling softly. "Your kids are safe, completely unharmed." A collective relief flowed through the parents, and Hazel reached for them, untying their hands and they removed their gags. Hazel looked at Gar and he gave her a thumbs up before flashing 5 fingers at her. "Help is coming. 5 minutes tops."

The Titans went back to Wayne manor, each scheduling to themselves as they handled the defeat, outsmarted by a new player that let the robbers get away with 25 million dollars. Dick had to go deal with the commissioner, so it left Hazel and Gar alone, in the temporary room Hazel claimed. Hazel sat crossed legged on the bed; Gar splayed out behind her.

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