018 - Waking Nightmares

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— waking nightmares —

June 28, 10:32 am
CADMAS Laboratories, San Francisco

TERROR FLOWED THROUGH HER LIKE A WAKING NIGHTMARE. Hazel exhaled softly, her eyes threatening to drop as the doctors moved around. IVs connected to her arms, patches that monitored her heart and vitals stuck to her chest. She couldn't remember when the soldiers came and grabbed her, but they did. They injected her with something that made her so weak she couldn't move her limbs. They pulled her down halls and to a stark white room and strapped her to a table.

She couldn't tell how many doctors moved around her, their voices melding and echoing into one another it sounded like hundreds of people. She didn't even have the strength to struggle as a doctor grabbed her arm, sticking a long, thick syringe into her arm, a thick gooey, blue substance injected into her blood and in a few seconds, her mind went foggy.

Her heart sped but she felt numb. She wanted to panic, scream in protest but she couldn't move, her voice barely a whisper. "Gar..." Hazel mumbled, her eyes closing for a moment. Please, for the love of God, don't hurt him like this. "Terran..." A second syringe was picked up and added to her blood. Hazel's eyes closed again, and her heart dropped, and it felt like her ribs cracked.

The beeping of her heart rate slowed, and the doctors started to panic. "What did you do?" A British questioned, stepping closer to Hazel. Hazel's hands gripped the side of the table.

"I'm not sure," The doctor answered, looking over the different drugs that were administered. "There's something in her body reacting to our drugs."

Hazel's heart rate slowed to a stop and Hazel let out a final shaky breath as the flatline echoed through the room. "Congratulations doctor, you just lost one of our biggest assets."

At first there was nothing, just a profound silence that enveloped her, a void where no breath or wind stirred, just a vacuum of empty nothingness. Suddenly, like she was forced, she was torn from the void, sitting upright, gasping for air as her eyes snapped wide open. Suddenly all her senses were back, crashing into her with such force it made her shake.

Once the feeling in her bones returned, she scrambled to her feet, a wave of awareness flooded her senses. She was warmed from the sun; blades of grass brushed her fingertips and the soft breeze hit her cheeks.

Hazel took a shaky breath as her eyes focussed on her surroundings; long, endless lavender fields.

A surge of panic gripped Hazel, constricting her chest as her breath hitched in distress. "No, no, no, no..." she whispered to herself. Fighting the rising waves of fear, she drew in a shaky breath, determined to steady her trembling hands.

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