- RAGE -

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born from love and envy,
raised on resentment and grief,
taught in jealousy and regret,
grown beside pity and loyalty,
full of rot and hate,
all of that just to live with RAGE.

                        HAZEL LILLIS had been angry, she had thrown things, she had broken things, she had broken people. She had been tested and prodded, she had been provoked and murdered. But she had caused more than enough pain in return fuelled by resentment and rage.

                        COLE MARTIN had gotten angry, he had been pushed, but he pushed back just as hard. He had lived in secret from not only others, but from himself refusing his emotions and power. But eventually all those secrets spilled out in anger.

                        TERRAN CLARE had been surrounded by anger all her life, screaming brothers and a struggling mother, she had grown up with anger. She had learnt to calm herself, live with the emotions that wanted to control her. She could grow angry, but she was always in control.


— More than cannon gore
— Alcoholism and addictions
— Drug use and smoking
— PTSD, nightmares
— Panic attacks
— A lot of grief and guilt


— Act three of the gods re-write , which is possibly my favourite season and show
— Not too much to say here, defiantly have more Cole stuff and possibly and extra chapter of Terran and Rachel on Paradise Island, SO MUCH angst and love with Hank and Hazel [ very Joel and Ellie esc iykyk ]
— I may have completely abandoned the slowly building tension between Gar and Hazel in favour of something very Kanej [ aka murder couple ]

Gods, re-write

GODS , g logan | Re-writeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin