Ch. 33 Mortag Redemption

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Using his last bit of strength, Jai hauled Tolan down the corridor surrounded by escaped pirates.

Tolan Preach: My crew owes you our lives. When we're out of this place, I'll repay this debt to you.

Pirate 1: Worry about getting past the howlerz first.

Tolan: If my crew's made it this far, we'll get past the howlerz.

Pirate 3: There!! The entrance! 

Pirate 7: oh yeah baby!! Freedom!!

Pirate 4: Not so fast! Look alive! We got company! Spartoi straight ahead!!

He was right. At the doorway stood Rye & Pier, back at full strength. The pirate captains began to engage, but surprisingly, the Spartoi did not. They just stood there, immobilized, allowing them to pass.

Mihra: It's all good! They're with me!

Behind them stood Mihra, a large werewolf carrying a mummy, and an army of almost five dozen escaped pirates. She directed Jai & Tolan to a tall slender fairy who was tending to Mahl & Yusuke. When he laid eyes on them, Yusuke leaped from the healing bubble he was contained in and bear-hugged both Jai and Tolan. He wept tears of joy while his captain embraced him.

Mihra: Where's Cadmus?

Jai: Hopefully still thawing out. He and that cook doctor are still in the S Wing. Who's the wolf?

Tolan: That's Beol, he's our Chef. Best prime rib around!

Rye: Queen Mother, may I please request my brother and I go find Father?

Jai looked at them with befuddlement.

Jai: Queen Mother?!

Mihra: Long story short, I'm a grandma.

Jai: Ha! Guess the wrinkles and the grays make sense!!

Mihra: Shut Up, Arrested Development!!

Jai: Hag!

He stuck out his tongue and hunched over, as an elderly person would, then gave her a chuckle. He was in an abnormally cheerful mood.

Mihra: You're released from your duties, for now.

Pier: Thank you, m'lady!

The two Spartoi bowed and then descended the long east corridor. The remaining pirates rejoined their captains and reformed their respective crews. They rejoiced at their freedom but their celebrations were cut short by the distant sounds of knocking and howling.

"Here they come." 

Pirate Captain 1: Our gear is one level up. We'll hold them off and get to our ships while you guys get out of here!

Pirate Captain 4: Yeah. We owe ya that much. Get outta here Goldlink. Ya psycho!

Tolan flashed his signature smile and graciously thanked them. The pirates charged forward to upper levels to reclaim their stolen booty and take on the howlerz. Meanwhile, Tolan attempts to contract a plan for their escape while he and the others are healed. He turned to the fairy, Sawyer, who was healing him, and questioned.

Tolan: Where's Nessa?

Sawyer: Feeding. The dampeners took a lot from her. She was malnourished when we released her, but she understands her assignment. She'll be ready.

Tolan: Good. Yusuke, Roe, and the others all did their part. It's time we pull our weight.

As Tolan began giving directions to his crew, the entire facility began to shake. It rumbled until a loud click resonated throughout the jail, and then it ceased. For a few seconds, it was complete silence, then water began filling the jail from all sides.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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