Ch. 30 Spartoi of the Black Wind

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Roe: Straight ahead, it's opening...Hmmm? Are those-

Forward of Roe and Mahl charged a herd of released prisoners of the Mortag's A-Wing.

Prisoner 1: Finally! Freedom from the shit hole!

Prisoner 2: Oh yeah baby! Can't wait to get outta here and get some booty!

Prisoner 3:Hey...uhh...what's that up ahead?

Prisoner 1: Probably those fuckin Spartoi. They can't take us all!

Prisoner 3: Uh..didn't they already do that once?

Prisoner 1: Shut up idiot!

Prisoner 2: Oh shit! They got a mummy!!!

Mahl, from a distance: Are these guys serious? These are the "toughest" Pirates of Port Sanaam?

Roe: They're more capable than you think. But indeed, some of them do carry the stupid gene. Very common in this line of work.

Mahl: No way, how could I not sense them?

Mahl turned to his aft and two figures emerged from the way they had just come. One was wearing a bulky bright green suit of armor, the other carried what seemed to be a massive great bow constructed of bone.

?: It seems we have arrived just in time for the festivities. Aye Zeph?

Zeph: Yes Warden. Yes, we have. Father will be pleased.

Roe: Warden huh, lucky us.

Warden: Blow the escaped pests away, so they don't interfere with us handling the intruders.

Zeph raised his weapon, a bow made of massive bone. He knocked an empty string and a golden arrow appeared.

"Very well, back to where you came, mongrels."

He released the arrow and it wisped past Roe towards the escaped prisoners. With great force, a gust of wind blasted the prisoners on impact sending them flying aft. Knocking some of them, unconscious.

Mahl: More obstacles. We'll never reach the nest at this rate.

Warden: Who dare enter my dominion with hopes of escaping alive?

Zeph: The essence of the ancients surges within them.

Mahl: The one with the bow, must be the Spartoi they were talking about. No wonder I couldn't sense them. He's almost identical to Mihra in essence. Is this some kind of cloaking? Does this mean they've already been captured?

Roe's wraps took on a crimson hue and began protruding from his back.

Prince Mahl, those arrows contain the essence of a dragon's fire. It may seem like normal wind, but there's a reason those prisoners haven't risen...LOOK OUT!

Three emerald spikes darted at Mahl, but Roe's wraps swiftly swatted them away before they could reach him. As he deflected them, they ricocheted into the walls of the corridor, breaking off debris.

Through the debris two more arrows shot towards them. Using the rocks from the rubble, Mahl utilized his terra kinesis to deflect the arrows.

Zeph: So, one of you throws rags and the other controls dirt. How did you make it past our defenses again?

Warden: Now now, Zeph, don't underestimate our foes. We must give them the full fury of our might!

He charged toward them swinging an emerald morning star.

Mahl: Earth Creation: Golem!!!

A golem was born from the rubble and countered the charging Warden. He Smashed one of its arms with the morning star, then the warden bearhugged the rock monster, suplexing it into the ground.

Mahl: He crumbled it like that?!

Red wraps encased the Warden as Roe attempted to halt him. Spikes protruded from his emerald armor and shot in all directions like a porcupine, severing his bondage. Reconsolidating the rubble to his right arm, he concentrated the rocks into a massive fist.


Mahl punched the armored Warden, sending him back a few paces.


He pounded on the warden once more pushing him further back.

Mahl: (Panting) That's it!

Warden: Don't get cocky boy!

From behind his back, the warden pulled a massive shield in his favorite color. He regained himself and charged Mahl again. He braced himself but Mahl's Grand Fist was no match for the Warden's emerald shield.

As Zeph's arrows pierced the wind, their trajectory was thrown off by Roe's wraps. The blood-hued bandages swatted the arrows into the walls of the corridor, creating more rubble for Mahl to use.

Roe: At best this is a stalemate. I also have a feeling he's holding back.

"Hey, you're a Spartoi, right? Born of a slain beast's essence. How does that work, exactly?

Zeph replied with a puzzled look on its face.

Zeph: Well, aren't mummies lifeless things that once were? If you look at it that way, I would suggest it works the same.

Roe: Hmm. Guess you're right. But are you a he or a she? Do Ya have the equipment? If you know what I mean? From here you kinda just look like an energy man.

Zeph: I have a human shell similar to the warden's when I am not in my powered form. My brothers do as well.

Roe: Human form you say?

Roe smirked and began to plan his next move.


Roe's wraps attached themselves to Zeph and their color began to change multicolored like a rainbow.

Zeph: What are you doing?!

Roe: My sacred wraps can either give or take away life force essence, and you're full of it!

Zeph: NO!!!

The rainbow-hued essence made its way to Roe through his bandages and his crimson body began to turn white. Zeph rapidly deployed more arrows at Roe, he managed to swat away some but one arrow made its way to Roe. It struck him in the leg and the air blast it created pushed him back a few feet. Zeph released more arrows at Roe, this time two struck him in the arm and chest. Their impacts pushed him back even further, yet his wraps continued to ensnare Zeph. The Spartoi's body began to become translucent, then almost see-through.

Zeph: I can't believe this! I have failed...I will at least take you with me, the warden can finish this!

In his final attempt, Zeph knocked five massive black arrows, releasing them all at Roe.

Roe: It's up to you now Master Mahl! But this one won't be coming back!!!


At once, all of Roe's rainbow-colored wraps anchored themselves to Zeph, covering every inch of his transparent body until he was completely wrapped. They sucked the last bit of life essence from the entity and its massive bow until it fell to the ground.

The five arrows struck the white Roe in each limb while the final connected in the center of where his forehead would be. The blasts created from the impact sent him flying backward into the bay where the empty cells were. His wraps retired to their normal color and he laid against the aft wall motionless.

end of chapter

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