Ch. 15 District Black

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They exited the CHARIOT after arriving at the destination. As they stepped out, one by one they were greeted by blinding lights and loud music. Instead of the usual formalities, being greeted at the destination's inbound CHARIOT stop by a conductor, they were dropped right in the middle of the city. Before they could turn around to see where exactly the trolley had landed, it had completely disappeared and they, surrounded by pedestrians, were District Black.

Mihra: Yup. Definitely the place he'd get lost in.

They looked around to get their bearings as passers by sliced through their weak formation. When they left, it was morning. But the sky was painted black, illuminated by the tall structures decorated in flashing colorful lights.

There were all types of beings there, from nymphs and elves to giants. Even a vampire tried its luck at groping Mihra but when he looked into her eyes it was as if he had seen a ghost. Vampires had a natural talent called COMPULSION. Looking into their victims eyes, they can see a portion of their lives, delete memories, and even control them. When this particular vamp tried on Mihra, he must've seen something, or someone, that frightened even him.

Among the spam of beings, Sirens lurked the streets humming serenade's in skimpy feathered outfits, hoping to lure unsuspecting patrons into their debauchery dens. A fantasy in theory, but land sirens were notorious for their rather tortuous discretion. Tales from all over are heard from men who become impotent after being lured into a land sirens' den. Grand buildings with pulsating signs lined the boardwalk, urging visitors to try their luck at the games.

Mahl: you guys hear that?

Jai: huh?

Mihra: I can't hear anything over this music!

Mahl: What? Mihr?! Jai!

Mahl searched in all directions for his companions, but in a blink, the three had been separated again.
Even In the commotion of the pedestrians, ah could still hear faint whispers in his head. They grew louder the deeper he walked into the district.
Growing louder and more frequent, Mahl begins to worry and turn the opposing direction. When he does, the frequency increases until it is the only thing he can hear. Noticing an unoccupied street, he cuts away from the crowd to clear his head.

Mahl: Haven't been on mission for ten minutes and I get lost. Typical. I give Jai shit all the time for going off on his own. Now look at me-hmm?

In front of him, stood an elderly looking woman laced in jewels.

Elderly Woman: You are who they call, the Perfect One, yes, Son of Demeter.

He didn't embrace this name as a compliment.

Mahl: I'm far from perfect. Do I know you?

Elderly Woman: I've been here since your birth young prince. When your lips first suckled your mother's breast, freezing her in stone. I watch you and the other damned souls traverse through hell, having your way with it. I watch even now as you are separated from them. But this is just the beginning of the tale. The Head will lose his. The Gemini will burn. The Trident's failure will bury all. DEATH & DESTRUCTION follow you. YOU are the MIDAS!

Mahl shuttered at the future teller's words. He tried to back up but was already against a wall.

Mahl: What is the Midas? And why do you say I'm it?

Elderly Woman: You have the touch of gold. You are the Trident's Hand!!

After inadvertently frightening the infatuated vampire, Mihra turned to find herself a needle in a stack of debaucherous hay.


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