Ch. 32 Cadmus v. Jai

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At the end of the west corridor, stood Mihra and the other two Spartoi, Rye & Pier. Sirens screeched as the phrase INTRUDER ALERT echoed throughout. Though loud, it still couldn't drown out the sounds of joy and celebration from the prisoners released by Yusuke's final attack. Mihra, who didn't seem phased by any of the commotions, continued to press the Spartoi.

Pier: That idiot destroyed the controls! They're all free!


Pier: You'll have to kill us! We'll never give up Father's location!

Rye: Pier, watch your words. The way she dispelled our clones, this may be our last day. Feel her essence. See the sigils on her wrist.

Pier examined Mihra and woofed the air.

Pier: She smells of her. Her essence is identical to Master Ares.

Mihra: Ares, is my father....

Rye: You, are a daughter of Ares? That's it. That's why I feel the urge to submit to your essence. Our mother belonged to one of his daughters. That was you.

The two placed their weapons at her feet and dropped to their hands and knees, bowing to her.

Rye & Pier: We are forever at your mercy, Queen Mother.

Mihra was now dumbfounded by their reactions. She had many questions but didn't know where to start. She demanded they explain how they became sailors at the Mortag and how they came to exist.

Though they obliged, their explanation was cut short. An announcement from the Warden, who was now enthralled in battle, abruptly silenced the blaring "INTRUDER ALERT". They all listened carefully until the announcement ceased.

Mihra: Sand Demon?

Rye: This must be serious. Is this "Sand Demon" a friend of yours?

Pier: Doesn't matter, if Howlerz are coming, we're fucked anyway. Those brain-dead savages just mindlessly take orders. No talking to them.

Rye: They will be indiscriminate in their pursuit. Maybe it's wise we reach Father?

Mihra: Grab the samurai. We're moving!

To the east, Jai and Tolan were still engaged with Cadmus. The laboratory was filled with smoke and haze. A bloodied Tolan lay, still smiling with Cadmus standing over him.

The scales on his dragon blade opened and black smoke and flames exhausted from it. With both hands, he raised the scorching blade for the final blow.

Cadmus: Farewell..


Jai: Get away from him! He's coming with me!!!

Dashing to Tolan's aid, now equipped with a weapon constructed of ice shards, Jai deflected Cadmus' blow. In his right hand, a small pipe he carried as a hilt as he expelled ice shards from both ends, creating a double-bladed ice saber. Using his left hand he pushed out more ice creating a protective blast fence around Tolan which covered half the lab.

Jai to himself: Shit. I have to be careful. I almost impaled him trying to do that. Now my mobility is cut in half. Focus on the blade. And what the hell was that noise?

Jai to Cadmus: Your fight is with me now!!!

Cadmus: Hmph. Nuisance.

Paracelsus: Cadmus, the serum! Use the Sou Rou and end this!

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