Ch. 23 Titan Fall

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The sight Jai beheld when he opened his eyes, shocked even him. Apophis hung below him, frozen completely from tongue to tail. The surrounding area of the sea within a 500ft radius was frozen as well. Jai looked down at the ship that had just missed his attack, floating on the outskirts of the frozen sea. He glanced down into the eyes of Apophis, they were moving frantically. He was frozen, but not for long.


Jai broke free of the basilisk's frozen tongue, propelling himself off the beast.


Yusuke swung his swords once more upon the beast, this time, the slashes multiplied and struck the frozen God in different areas, shattering the ice and sending Apophis floating down into the sea.


A sand platform materialized below Jai and he looked over to Mahl who was on the adjacent platform carrying Mihra. Of all the crew, he was the only one that didn't look shocked.

Mahl: Bout time you figured it out. Always showing off for suspense.


Back in Euphoria...

Charmion: (bursting through the door) Ma'am!

Cleo: I know...they defeated him.

Charmion: What? No. I scanned the area to see what else was out there, and-

Cleo: What is it?

Charmion: There's a nest. A big one. There was a spike in essence a few hours before, miles away. That's what drew our attention to Apophis.

Cleo: It may be related. Send a team. I want to know what THEY are doing in my Kingdom. 


Sometime later...

A rather stout man sat upon a velvet Red chair smoking g a cigar. Classical tunes played from a wooden cubed radio as a calm haze of smoke loomed above his head. He sipped bourbon from a crystal glass housing two ice cubes. The warden basked in the serenity of his mahogany-hued study, browsing the wall full of medals of Valor, awarded to him for his incarceration rate which was fatter than even him. All was right in his Institution as he sat on the throne of the jail, atop his inmates. He had come in control of the Reform Center two decades ago, and within the first year had filled the entire facility. Multiple wings were added to the structure to hold the pirates he continued to capture.

Four monstrous booms shook the study, rattling the ice cubes in his glass.

Corrections Officer: Warden! Its CHAOS!

Warden: What are you speaking of? And what was that racket I just heard?

CO: The inmates from S Block are escaping!

Warden: S Block? Well, it doesn't matter, they can't get past the wall.

CO: The Wall is GONE, Sir! There is a giant hole. The Spartoi are engaging the assailants as we speak, but there are too many!

The look of shock rushed the warden's face.

Warden: And Cadmus?

CO: Still with the Doctor.

Warden: The Wall...Very well. This shall be my finest achievement yet.

The look of shock washed away and his face filled with excitement. He finished his glass in one gulp and stood up from his chair. He walked toward a wooden wardrobe and swung the doors open. Inside, was emerald-colored armor and weapons of different hues.

Warden: Let us prepare for battle...


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