Ch.8 The Girl & the Golem

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A curly bushel of hair connected to legs stood overtop of Orion

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A curly bushel of hair connected to legs stood overtop of Orion. Behind her, Jai lay unconscious and behind him, stood a golem of black rock & golden dirt, towering about nine feet tall.

Golem: Geez Mihr, I thought you said you were gonna use this as a test of restraint & control.

Mihra: HIS HEAD DIDN'T POP OFF DID IT?! I'd say that's a win. And that restraint thing was for Lone Ranger over there. Although..

Mihra kneeled and examined Orion once more. The tip of her long curly hair hung an inch from the ground. She placed her hand on her chin and crinkled her nose. On the back of her hands were symbols, lines and circles that continued past her forearm and stopped just short of her elbow. She stuck her tongue out to one side then moved closer to Orion's limp body.

Mira: Hmm. Yup. He's dead. Think I overdid it.

Golem: What do you think we should do about the other two?

Mihra looked in to the trees at Roabe strung up, then down at what was left of the Seeker after it's bout with the golem.

Mihra: They're Hunters, let their people find them. Let them see why you don't poke the beast. Besides, I'd rather not deal with Artemis right now. Is the portal still open? You getting pretty good at these golem things, Jai's not gonna like how far ahead you are, hehe.

Mahl (speaking through golem): He's behind cause he doesn't ask for help, then goes off and does Icarus level shit like this. But thanks, yeah it's still going, but this guy takes a lot of essence to keep going, especially talking.

Mihra: Sorry about that. We'll head back.

The girl and the golem carried the two depleted boys out of the Serene where they met a taller, slightly older boy. He stood in front of a warping black hole twice the size of himself. The golem sat both Jai and Syre down then crumbled at the taller boy's feet.

Mahl: Shit. They're pretty bad. And Sy looks—

Mihra: Dead. They took his fingers!

She balled up both fist and tears of sorrow and anger began to fall from her stone face.

Mahl: Let's get them back. Hades will know what to do.

Without wiping the tears from her face she stomped threw the portal.

Mahl: Alright. Nope. I got it. I am a god and all. No need to lift a finger my goddess...

Sarcastically bowing and rolling his hands, he walks into the portal behind her. As he does, the ground behind him began to raise and wave of golden sand gingerly rocked Jai & Syre through the black hole. It snapped shut as Jai, the last to enter, crossed the threshold.

"Ahh..HOME SWEET HOME." Mihra spoke this sarcastically as she finally brushed the half dried tears from her face. They were immediately welcomed by brisk air and sounds of flowing water produce by Erebus' rivers. The First Gate, the section of Erebus they were currently in, casted a dull shade over everything within it. Like an old photo or painting that lost its vibrancy long ago, but no one cared enough to restore it.

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