Ch. 28 Cadmus, King of Thebes

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Jai briskly jogged down the long winding corridor.

Jai: This place is like a maze. I've gone quite a good distance but somehow, I can still hear other sectors of the prison. Theres so many twist and turns to this route, one wall could lead to Mihra and the others or to the bottom of the sea. Better stay sharp. that...laughter?

He followed the faint sounds of histerical laughter with his ears pressed against the wall. After a few minutes, he came to a stop.

Jai: Ahhh! Dead end?!
Or maybe not. Let's see...

He placed his hand on the wall to the right of him, then the left. Lastly, he placed both hands to the wall forward. He could heard water from the other side.

Jai: Definitely not that way!

He tapped the ground and placed his ear to it.

Jai: There you are!
Now, let's see if lightning can strike thrice.

He placed both hands on the ground, took a deep breath, then exhaled.

Jai: Let go...

He drew breath once more, and when he exhaled, an icy wind froze the floor beneath him.

Jai: Whatever this is, it's getting easier. The laughter coming from down there. Time to knock and introduce ourselves.

Jai jumped into the air and then came down with great force on the brittle frozen floor. He repeated this until it shattered and the floor collapsed onto the next floor down.
Jai crashed down with the rubble.

As the dust dissipated Jai could make out two figures.

Jai: Uhhh that's kinda freaky, did I interrupt something?

Before him stood an older man in a suit of armor and a young man not much older looking than Mahl, strapped to a large machine, yet beaming. The older man wielding a massive sword covered in what looked like dragon scale, of which he held to the young man's rib, then sharply jerked away. The scales took with them a chunk of the man's flesh. Instead of cries of agony from the man, laughter then followed. Jai looked at the man. He only had one good eye, the other seemed either missing or seared shut. He had a long white beard and a bald head. He towered over both of them standing 8 feet tall. His dragon-scale blade was itself the size of Jai.

Cadmus: Ah, I heard we had intruders. I did not think I would be able to partake in today's meal. I see my sons have left me as lamb to slaughter. Hold on Mr Preach, we shall resume our dance shortly.

Jai: Preach? The Captain! I found him.

Tolan Preach: Captain? So it is them. My crew, they came for me.

Jai: Yeah, you kinda run with a wild bunch. Wait...

The dust had fully cleared and Jai could now fully see what Tolan was connected to.

Jai: A siphon...what are you doing here?

Paracelsus: We are god's hand...

Behind Jai stood a humanoid being with glasses and a lab coat. His skin was grey and appeared scaly and hard, while his arms had feathers and talons where his hands were supposed to be.

Paracelsus: "Pirates, Looters, Thieves, whatever the reason you may be here, it is dishonorable. With the existence that the gods have granted you, you chose to destroy this world. Which one of you dishonorable men should die today?"

Cadmus: I suppose both.

Paracelsus: Always the soldier. Let's examine this one. He seems familiar with my siphons, possibly a benefactor. The way he crashed down without any harm may seem to show some signs of enhanced strength and certainly durability.

Jai: So you made these?! Why?

Evolution. To harness the power of the Gods

Jai: Power?! Those things are used to kill children! It sucks their essence dry and leaves them lifeless. You did that for POWER?!

Cadmus: His essence is rising rapidly, which shouldn't be possible with the limiters

Paracelsus: He's being protected by some sort of veil. Probably witchcraft of some sort. Cadmus, subdue him please, I'd like to study him further.

Jai: Wait, Cadmus? As in KING Cadmus?!

The scales on the old man's blade began to illuminate.

Cadmus: I'm thankful my name proceeds me. But yours does not. This is the end.

Paracelsus: Demonstrate the power of house Ares!

Cadmus grabbed the hilt of his dragon blade swinging at Jai.


Frost flowed from Jai's fingertips as he propelled himself in Teach's direction. He is intercepted by Cadmus' blade but swiftly evades it by ducking it's swig. Cadmus took another swing at Jai who was now between him and Tolan.

Cadmus: Both of you can go in one slash then!

The illuminated scales on Cadmis' blade burst into black flames. As he swung they shot a massive wave of black fire and essence at the two.

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