Ch. 10 I Dream of Judges

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On the night of the seventh day, the strange occurrences around Mayyah heightened to their crescendo as Mihra & Mahl slept

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On the night of the seventh day, the strange occurrences around Mayyah heightened to their crescendo as Mihra & Mahl slept.

The faint tapping of wood on wood grew from indistinguishable to the only thing the two could hear in their slumber. On the loudest and last BOOM, Mahl awoke, standing once again in a marbled room in from of the three judges, gavels in hand.

Mahl: Mmhm..wh-what is this?

As he rubbed his eyes, he caught a peek of a smooth bronzed thigh out of his peripheral. Next to him, in her undergarments, stood Mihra. Turning away swiftly, he looked down. He too was standing in nothing but underwear.

Mihra: I get you nasty old men take pride in never sleeping, but my dreams are private, pervs.

Minos: We have no interest in your whimsical fantasies, Little Witch.

As he smirked, Mihra blushed, turning away and attempting to hide her exposed loins.

Rhadamanthus: While you sleep, seeds of chaos grow.

Aeacus: Vessel One has been dormant for too long.

Rhadamanthus: Balance must be restored.

Minos: Your immature insolence has left the door open, it must be closed

Rhadamanthus: Malevolent spirits have sought this opportunity to regain footing in the world of the living.

Aeacus: Awake the Vessel, defeat the sprit before it possesses the husk.

The three raised their gavels once more.


Slamming the gavels in unison, the judges, along with the marbled room, once again disappeared.


Coming to, in a cold sweat, Mahl awoke to commotion and the light of a fire outside. Gathering himself, he rushed from his quarters to the direction of Mihra's. She wasn't there.


With the last boom, the ground shook.

Mahl: Guess they were serious. But what was that? Did they wake me up and transport me, or were they really in my dream? I need to get to Sy.

He started on his way to the medical quarters where Jai & Syre were being held. As he reached outside, he was greeted by the smoke and fire that had filled the air. Overhead, three bursts of light cut through the black sky in the direction of the medical facility. It was Ballah, S'Rye & in the front, Sabine. Their sights set on a large shadowy figure positioned in front of the medical facility.

As he continued in that same direction, he began to hear screams and could smell the electric aroma of high charged spells being dispersed. Then, he saw it, plain as day in front of him, ghosts. The black figures moved slowly throughout the fire lit streets. They seemed unbothered by him, like they couldn't even see him, so he passed them making sure to look for civilians in the process. The closer he got to the facility he realized the more detailed the ghosts became, each starting to have a distinct size and shape. Their mobility had also increased as well as their awareness.

Mahl: They're heading for the guys. Gotta stay on bounce.

"Get off me!"

On the back of a side street, two witches were being pursued by the figures. One took the shape of a rather large snowman. Another had formed into a human sized bird with arms. The last was a hooded figure on a horse. The two witches shot out sparks from their fingers but the spells fizzled out before affecting their targets. They were tapped out. The assault had started hours ago with civilians taking up arms in the inception.

The dark winged figure flew towards them grabbing the arm of the younger witch lifting her from the ground. Mahl dropped to one knee and placed his palms on the gravel. Two giant arms of golden sand rose from the earth grabbing for the young girl. One grasped her leg as the other grabbed the bird figure. It slammed it against an adjacent building. The other arm lowered the girl then formed a sand wall in front of the two women. The snowman made his way toward Mahl but was intercepted by the golden golem. It threw a right hook that made the snowman's head explode. The golem boasted its win with a strongman pose.

The last standing was the horseman. He galloped on his steed around the towering golem. Unsheathing a dark blade he cut the golem down by each limb and it melted away like butter. It aimed its sights once again on the women behind the wall. He approached at full speed but was thrown off his mount just short, throwing him against the sand wall. The four hooves of the dark horse had become ensnared by pits of quicksand that swallowed the stallion. The wall around the damsels had begun to crumble around the rider collapsed against it. He clawed his way through the endless sand coffin as remnants from the surrounding particles of sand dog-piled the shadow. After a few seconds the rustling ceased and the rumbling sand turned to a lifeless mount of dust.

Panting, Mahl stood and brushed himself off. He rushed to the women to check their condition. He extended his hand to the young woman.

"Get away from me, filthy ghost!"

She slapped his hand away and began motioning to fire another attack.

"Hold on Cia, this one's real."

The older woman extended her arm to stop the younger.

"I'm sorry she hasn't seen too many men busy the island. Thank you. The first dozen or so we could handle, but they kept coming."

Mahl: It's cool. I get it. Can't trust your own eyes these days. I could use some help though. These spirits will get worse the closer we are to the med area. Can I ask you two to steer anyone else away? Preferably somewhere protected.

"I know just the place, thank you-"

Before she could ask his name, Mahl had begun back towards the medical facility and the looming shadows.



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