Ch. 7 Jai Vs. Roabe

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Roabe, now in his animalistic form, huffed and puffed as he ran on all four limbs towards the trickster who'd sedated him. In this form his metabolism was much faster, allowing him to pass the lotus dust quicker. His sense of smell had broadened along with his hearing, he could smell the clothes and hear the taunts of his prey from over half of a mile away. He followed until it led him into the cool shaded foliage off of the cleared path.


He hears a ruffle from above.

Roabe: Ah. So if you not one of ours, that means you're one of them! Mmmm, I haven't used this form in the hunt in quite a time. That pretty head of yours will sit nicely on my mantle!

Roabe's boarish face created a lustful smile as his fat tongue extruded from under his snout.

Roabe: This'll be our little secret, what do ya SAY?! I devour EVERY little piece of your beautiful body, except the head.

He licked his tusk as he shouted into trees around him.

Jai: Yo, what's up with you weirdos & eaten people? That some kind of fetish around here?

Roabe: As vile as you may be, little Taint, you carry the seed of God in you. It isn't meant for an abomination like yourself, but a divine being like I. 

Jai: AWW! Such a naughty boy, are you saying you only want me for my ESSENCE?!

As he said this, Jai came plunging from the tress, striking Roabe with the heel of his right foot in a downward motion. He backflips away, landing twenty feet away from the manboar.

Jai: Guess that ugly face comes with some strength too? Dope.

Roabe bear hugged one of the silver trunks, squats, then pulls it from the root. As he did, the tree let out a little shriek as its last roots are ripped from the ground. Roabe swings it down in the direction of Jai. It created a loud boom that ruptured through the forest.
Jai: Hmph. Pretty good.
Jai now standing on the fallen tree dashes towards him, hands in his pockets, knees Roabe in the chin with the same dominant right leg. This time, lifting Roabe off the ground, making him release the tree. The sound of the CLICK, Roabe's jaw made on contact echoed just as the boom did.
As Roabe recovered he shook his head and charged at Jai again.

Roabe: This is *exactly * what I've been looking FOR!

The slobbering boar continued its charge. This time leaping in the air towards its prey limbs spread to grab it. Jai, with hands in pockets still, spins then plants a roundhouse kick square in the chest of the boar, hurling him aft as he is caught by another steel trucked tree.

Jai: You're right. Haven't been able to let loose since I found Sy & that fairy. Lucky for you, my legs don't feel as worn down anymore either. Shall we continue?

Roabe: Just getting started.

At that moment he pulled out a small baton-like weapon jai wouldn't make out. He dashed toward Jai once again, this time in a more methodical manner. He bounced through the landscape in a zig-zag pattern, weaving through the massive trunks in Jai's direction. Jai jumps into the air to evade him, but is caught by the baton Roabe was wielding. A thin wire shot from the top of the weapon and wrapped itself around Jai's ankle, yanking him back down to the ground. As he touched the surface a shockwave ruptured through his body. Roabe yanks the rod pulling Jai forward, throwing him into the steel trunks repeatedly, then slams him to the ground one final time.

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