54. Falling into Darkness

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The peaceful haze of Jeonghan's smoke break in the living room was shattered by a loud series of bangs at the door.

His brows knitted together in annoyance, the intensity of the disturbance pulling him out of his momentary peace. With a resigned sigh, he lifted the joint to his lips for one final drag before extinguishing it.

As he rose from the sofa, Jeonghan stumbled slightly, cursing under his breath. The persistent ache of a migraine weighed heavily on him, refusing to grant him a moment's respite. 

With another weary sigh, he trudged towards the door, his steps slow and labored.

His brow furrowed in irritation as he swung the door open, fully prepared to unleash his frustration on Mingyu or one of his members for disturbing his peace. 

Yet, as the door creaked open, his heart skipped a beat, a lump forming in his throat, constricting his breath.

His eyes, slightly reddened from the haze of smoke and stress, widened in surprise. 

His grip tightened on the doorknob, knuckles turning white, while his other hand balled into a tight fist, nails digging into the soft flesh of his palm.

"A-Ara?" he stammered, the word escaping his lips in a whisper as his mind swirled with a torrent of thoughts and emotions.

She stood before him, drenched from the rain, a slight tremble coursing through her body from the chill. Her face, once vibrant with strength or perhaps hope, now appeared drained of both.

Jeonghan's concern flared as he took in her appearance, his instinctive worry overriding any lingering irritation. 

Without hesitation, his hand reached out, gently grasping her arm, and guided her inside, shielding her from the biting cold of the outside world.

"Are you alright?" he inquired softly, his voice tinged with genuine concern, as he closed the door behind them.

"Soomin. I've been trying to reach Soomin. She's not answering, and..." Ara's voice trailed off, her expression deeply unsettling to Jeonghan. 

A slight tremor coursed through his body at her words, a flicker of unease dancing in his eyes.

"Soomin? What happened to my sister?" Jeonghan's brows furrowed deeply, a knot of dread forming in the pit of his stomach. 

Panic threatened to claw its way up his throat, his instincts screaming at him to act swiftly.

Ara struggled to find the right words to explain the truth to Jeonghan: his sister had experienced the same pain he had put Ara through, and worse yet, Jungkook was the one responsible.

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