22. Irresistible Temptation

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"Come on, Ara, I was just fooling around!" Jeonghan called out, his voice carrying a tone of exasperation as he drove his car slowly, hoping to persuade Ara to get into his car.

But she remained resolute, her pace unwavering as she continued to walk, not sparing a single glance in his direction.

Jeonghan's attempts at reconciliation seemed to fall on deaf ears as Ara pressed on, clearly unwilling to give in to his apologies so easily.

"Get in the car. It's not safe to walk alone at night. You could be in danger," Jeonghan urged. He hoped that emphasizing her safety might convince her to change her mind.

Ara remained unfazed, seemingly undeterred by Jeonghan's concerns. She knew how to defend herself and had no fear of confronting potential dangers, particularly from men.

Her determination to walk on, despite his warnings, spoke to her self-reliance and inner strength.

Seeing no reaction from Ara, Jeonghan couldn't stand the tension any longer. He made a sudden decision and pulled his car to a screeching stop right in front of her, causing her to jolt to a halt in surprise.

In one swift motion, he flung open the car door and stepped out, closing the distance between them with quick strides.

His voice was laced with a mix of frustration and desperation as he pleaded, "God damn it, Ara. I'll do anything you want. Just get in the car."

"Anything?" Ara's smirk was sly and challenging, and Jeonghan couldn't help but sigh. He nodded, his eyes closing as he mentally braced himself for the potential demands she might make.

Her smirk hinted at a teasing and unpredictable spirit, leaving Jeonghan with a sense of apprehension about what he had just agreed to.

"Then, I'll take the wheel to the hotel," Ara asserted, her eyes lingering on the sleek black AMG that Jeonghan had been driving.

She extended her hand toward him, silently demanding that he surrender the keys.

Jeonghan stood there, his internal battle playing out in his mind. He hadn't anticipated that her "anything" would lead to something as significant as his car.

"Do you even have a license?" Jeonghan inquired, a glimmer of hope in his voice, as he sought any reason not to let Ara drive.

"Of course I do," she scoffed, her response brimming with confidence. She signaled to him with a dismissive hand gesture, silently demanding that he hand over the keys.

Jeonghan let out another sigh of resignation. Reluctantly, he handed her the keys, his gaze averted and fixated in another direction, unwilling to witness her victorious expression.

With that, Ara assumed control of the car, taking the driver's seat, while Jeonghan settled into the passenger seat.

He couldn't help but feel a tinge of nervousness, having never witnessed Ara drive a car before – only a motorcycle.

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