49. Broke You Just To Own You

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Ara's eyes fluttered open, her senses gradually returning to the quietness of the room. The weight of sleep still clung to her as she blinked away the drowsiness. 

Stretching out a hand, she reached for the warmth she expected to find beside her, only to be met with the coolness of an empty space.

Frowning, she furrowed her brows, the fog of sleep slowly dissipating. 

She turned her gaze to the spot where Jeonghan should have been sleeping, but found it vacant, devoid of his presence. 

Panic began to prick at the edges of her mind as she scanned the room, searching for any sign of him.

"Jeonghan?" Ara called out, her voice barely more than a whisper, hoarse from sleep. But the only response was the echo of her own voice, bouncing off the walls of the silent room.

Ara's eyes flicked to the clock, its bright digits declaring the time: 6 AM. The stillness of the room seemed suffocating now, pressing in on her from all sides.

Her heart lurched in her chest, a rapid rhythm that matched the frantic pace of her thoughts. Her palms grew clammy, a cold sweat breaking out across her skin despite the warmth of the room.

Though logical explanations flitted through Ara's mind—perhaps Jeonghan was simply in the bathroom or fetching a glass of water—her body refused to heed the reassurance. 

The grip of fear persisted, tightening its hold with each passing moment. Jeonghan was nowhere to be found, while she was in his bed, naked.

With trembling hands and a racing mind, she pushed aside the covers, rose from the bed and swiftly gathered her clothes, slipping them on.

As she reached for the door handle, her hand hesitated for a moment, a flicker of anxiety coursing through her. 

But she quickly pushed aside her doubts and turned the handle, stepping out into the hallway, her eyes scanning the dark corridor in search of any sign of Jeonghan's presence.

Ara's footsteps echoed softly through the empty corridors, checking every room meticulously, her breath catching in her throat with each empty space she encountered.

First, she hurried to the kitchen, her eyes darting around in search of any sign of Jeonghan's presence. But the room remained still, the only sound the faint hum of the refrigerator.

Next, she made her way to each bathroom in the house, her footsteps quickening with each passing second. She pushed open the doors with trembling hands, her heart sinking with each empty room she found.

She even went to Soomin's room but he wasn't there. Jeonghan had left, without a word, without any explanation.

Ara dialed his number, her heart pounding in her chest with each passing second. The phone rang once, twice, before a sinking feeling settled in the pit of her stomach as the call was abruptly rejected.

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