48. Tough Love

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Jeonghan walked Mrs. Kim down the aisle, the weight of every gaze bearing down on them like a heavy burden.

Nausea churned in his gut, a sickening reminder of the uncomfortable truth he couldn't escape — he was escorting the woman his father had cheated on her mother with.

His heart ached with the absence of his mother. She was miles away, estranged from them, leaving him to wonder about her well-being.

Did she still carry the weight of their broken family, enduring the same pain he and his sister felt? Did she long for them as fiercely as they did for her, her absence a constant pain in their lives?

The urge to vomit gripped Jeonghan so fiercely that he could barely maintain his composure as he guided Mrs. Kim down the aisle.

The memory of his mother catching this woman and his father together in his office churned his stomach, filling him with a sickening sense of betrayal and disgust.

As they approached his father, a loud commotion erupted from outside, punctuated by frantic screams urging them to run.

A thick plume of smoke billowed into the room, the acrid scent assaulting his senses.

Panic surged as he realized the entire roof was on fire, flames spreading rapidly and beginning to engulf the interior as well.

"What the..." Jeonghan trailed off, his voice choked with disbelief, before he abruptly released Mrs. Kim's hand and dashed towards Ara and Soomin.

Panic rippled through the crowd, voices rising in frantic shouts as they scrambled towards the main door in a desperate bid to escape.

Ara instinctively grasped Soomin's hand, seeking comfort in their shared fear. Jeonghan hurried over to them, his voice firm despite the chaos surrounding them.

"It's okay, stay calm. I'll get you out of here," he reassured them swiftly, his gaze scanning the room for his members, his protective instinct kicking into overdrive.

"Jeonghan!" Seungcheol's voice cut through the chaos, drawing Jeonghan's attention towards him, the urgency in Seungcheol's tone mirrored Jeonghan's own concern for his members.

He signaled for them to follow him towards the back door, his heart racing as he guided the girls swiftly in the direction where the rest of the members were already headed.

"Mom," Ara's voice trembled with worry as she glanced back, her concern mirrored in Jeonghan's own growing panic.

"She's with my father, don't worry. We need to get out of here," he reassured her urgently, the acrid smoke beginning to sting their eyes and choke their lungs.

He guided the girls out through the back door, their lungs burning from the smoke. Ara's eyes widened in fear as she coughed violently.

"Y-Yerin?" she trembled, her voice barely above a whisper.

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