53. A Final Letter

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Honey, don't you think something is wrong with Soomin?" Mrs. Kim interrupted Jajeun's peaceful dinner, prompting him to pause and consider her question.

After a few moments of contemplation, he responded, "No, not at all," casually shrugging off Mrs. Kim's concern.

"But she's been cooped up in her room for days now. She hasn't even shown up for school," she added.

"Doesn't really matter. I'm the one paying for their education. Whether they attend or not, they'll still end up with their diploma in the end," Jajeun replied nonchalantly.

Mrs. Kim furrowed her brows in disbelief. "So you've managed to sway the school director? Jajeun, schooling isn't just about obtaining a diploma; it's about the quality of education they receive. They've missed several days now. Don't you think something might have happened to our kids?" Her voice rose, tinged with irritation at his nonchalant responses.

"What, Ara's not going to school either?" he asked casually, taking a sip of his wine.

Mrs. Kim sighed heavily, realizing she wasn't getting anywhere with his responses. She rose from her chair without saying anything and made her way upstairs.

She stood outside Soomin's closed door, her heart pounding with worry.

She raised her hand and gently knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the hallway. The seconds stretched into an eternity as she anxiously waited for a response.

"Soomin, it's me," she called out softly, her voice tinged with concern. "Can I come in?"

She pressed her ear against the door, hoping to catch any sign of movement or response from inside.

But all she could hear was the muffled sound of her own breathing and the faint hum of the house around her.

With a heavy sigh, Mrs. Kim reached out and turned the doorknob slowly, the metal cool against her fingertips. But to her dismay, the door was closed, firmly shut.

She realized that Soomin might not want to talk to her. Or to anybody else, for that matter.

With a heavy heart, Mrs. Kim withdrew her hand from the doorknob and took a step back. She knew she couldn't force Soomin to open up if she didn't want to.

"Soomin, if you want to talk, you know I'm here for you," Mrs. Kim pleaded softly through the closed door. "I can sense that something happened, and I'm genuinely concerned. But please, don't isolate yourself in this room."

Feeling helpless, Mrs. Kim stepped away from the door and left, her heart heavy with concern for Soomin.

But unknown to Mrs. Kim, Soomin hadn't heard her plea. She had left days ago, leaving behind an empty room that mirrored the emptiness in her heart.

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