24. Intensity

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"I swear, this girl will be the end of me," Jeonghan muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

He ended the call with Seungcheol, who reassured him that he would take care of Soomin.

However, deep down, Jeonghan couldn't shake the feeling that his sister might not follow Seungcheol's advice.

Just then, Ara emerged from the shower, her gaze falling upon Jeonghan, who was visibly struggling to control his emotions.

If it weren't for his revenge plan, he felt the urge to leave the trip immediately and check on his sister to ensure everything was alright. To ensure she was alright.

Ara remained silent, choosing not to engage in conversation with him. Instead, she silently prepared for sleep, making herself comfortable under the covers in the bed.

Jeonghan kept his eyes fixed on her from the edge of the bed, his thoughts a tumultuous mix of frustration, concern, and the relentless pursuit of his revenge plan.

After a few moments of contemplation, Jeonghan sighed and got up from the bed, quietly leaving the hotel room. Ara looked on, confused by his sudden departure.

Shrugging off the perplexing encounter, Ara decided to dismiss the thoughts that Jeonghan had stirred within her.

She settled back into bed, determined to push him out of her mind and reclaim a sense of peace.

Closing her eyes, she sought solace in the quietness of the room, hoping that sleep would provide a temporary escape from the complexities of the situation.

"Shit," Jeonghan muttered, attempting to walk straight. He gripped the walls of the hotel, squinting to see clearly the path to the hotel room.

It was evident he was totally wasted, his steps unsteady, and his mind clouded by the effects of whatever he had consumed.

The thoughts of his sister weighed heavily on Jeonghan. He knew Soomin better than anyone, and the recent situation with their mother had left a profound impact on her.

Jeonghan was acutely aware that his sister had taken a wrong path, and the concern for her well-being gnawed at him, contributing to the internal chaos that fueled his actions and decisions.

He opened the hotel room door quietly, allowing his gaze to fall upon Ara, who was peacefully asleep.

The dim light in the room revealed the calmness that eluded him, and for a moment, he watched her in silence, contemplating the complex dynamics that had unfolded between them.

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