17. Skybound Emotions

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Jeonghan drove fast, his anger propelling him forward as he slammed his fist against the steering wheel in frustration.

How could she say something about his mother, when her own mother had been the source of so much pain and destruction in her life?

He knew he shouldn't have left her there, alone. Yet, her words had angered him beyond measure, clouding his judgment and fueling his impulsive decision.

"Fuck!" he cursed, the anger still coursing through his veins. He aggressively turned the car with a loud screech and sped back to where he had left her.

It wasn't necessarily because he cared for her at that moment; it was the nagging guilt that he couldn't shake off.

He didn't want the weight of potential consequences to rest solely on his shoulders, haunting him for not ensuring her safety.

As he approached the spot where he had left Ara, a swirl of emotions churned inside him. He was conflicted, unsure of how to face her, how to navigate the aftermath of their explosive confrontation.

The streetlights illuminated the empty road, lending an odd ambiance to the bleak situation.

But as he got there, Ara was nowhere to be seen. His eyes darted around, scanning the area for any sign of her. He felt a wave of worry wash over him.

Getting out of the car, he started to frantically look for her, calling out her name into the night. The darkness seemed to swallow the road ahead, adding to the uncertainty of the situation.

"Where are you?" he called out, frustration and worry evident in his voice as his hands went to his head, gripping it tightly.

He berated himself for his impulsive actions. If something happened to Ara, he knew he would be at fault, weighed by the guilt that would haunt him forever.

The gravity of the situation sank in, and he began to search more fervently, his steps quick and desperate. He checked every possible corner, every nook and cranny, hoping to find any trace of Ara.

She was nowhere to be found. He couldn't reach her through her phone, realizing she had blocked him.

Without wasting another moment, he hurriedly went to his car, starting the engine and speeding away, hoping to find her.

"Thank you, Kai," Ara said, her voice tinged with gratitude as she looked at him while he was driving.

Sensing her distress, Kai couldn't help but inquire, "Ara, are you okay? Why were you there alone?"

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