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chapter delaying ke liye khed ha.


When we love someone without any expectations, there's no greater feeling than having that love. But if that same person starts loving us back, it brings a peace and contentment that nothing else can match. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Often, we may wish not to fall deeply in love with someone, willing to go to any extent to avoid it. But who can escape the whims of fate? If love is destined for us, it fills our hearts whether we intend it or not, bringing along with it attachments, infatuations, and care that we can never shake off.


Raman enters Dadaji's room, finding Dadaji seated on the couch. Seeing Raman, Dadaji puts on his glasses.

"Dadaji, you called for me," Raman says as he sits in front of him.

"Yes, Raman, I need to discuss something important with you," Dadaji replies hurriedly, holding a blue file in his hand. "So, Raman, the deal we had with Mr. Mehta earlier, where he liked our design samples and now he's demanding similar designs again."

Raman responds with a gentle tone and a hint of satisfaction, "Well, that's good news, isn't it?"

Dadaji continues, "It's good news indeed, but our problem is our rival, Mr. Raichand. He promised to deliver the designs before us. Due to this, he has asked us to assure him that we'll deliver the designs before Mr. Raichand, or else they won't extend the deal with us."

Raman, disguisedly concerned, responds, "How can Mr. Raichand complete the designs before us? We have the best artists and jewelers."

Dadaji, with a wrinkled forehead, replies, "I don't know, but we have to finish our work before him, otherwise, he'll steal one of our best dealers."

As Raman gets up from the couch, he asks, "Okay, Dadaji, what if we prepare everything within just one month? Will Mr. Mehta be willing to deal with us then?"

Dadaji, with a tone of concern, responds, "Raman, he will definitely agree, but how is it possible to complete three months' worth of work in just one month?" Dadaji also stands from the couch.

Raman reassures, "Don't worry, Dadaji, I'll take care of everything. I'll make sure everything is under my supervision."

Concerned, Dadaji asks, "But Raman, how will you manage everything when our work is spread across different areas of India, from diamond mines to packing?"

Raman confidently replies, "Don't worry, Dadaji, I'll manage everything."

Dadaji then brings up another concern, "What about Ciashi? You just got married recently."

Raman remains silent, unable to provide an answer.

Dadaji continues, "Look, Raman, I understand that you haven't been able to focus on the business for some time, and that's not entirely wrong. I've always wanted you to think about yourself. I want you to reconsider."

Dadaji's eyes are fixed on Raman. He feels a bit guilty because Raman has worked tirelessly for the company, not even taking leave for his marriage, having to work during the initial days of his marriage.

After taking a deep breath, Raman starts, "Dadaji, Mr. Mehta will lock the deal with us, I promise you that. Whatever needs to be done, I'll do it. Please leave everything to me."

With confidence, he straightens his shoulders, reassuring Dadaji.


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