CHAPTER-24"Ciashi's Plea for Mercy"

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Raman is in his office room, standing near the window, looking outside. He is engrossed in his thoughts, with a warm smile on his face. In Raman's mind, Ciashi's elegant face keeps appearing repeatedly. All the feelings he experienced when he first saw Ciashi come rushing back – the fast heartbeat, the breath catching, the tendency to forget the entire world and focus only on her. Ciashi's long hair, her long eyelashes, and the smile on her lips – everything is vividly present in his memory.

Raman walks away from the window and takes a seat, the smile still lingering on his face. He is feeling something he has never felt before, wondering why he is so drawn to Ciashi. He doesn't know why such a simple girl has such a profound effect on him.

Raman's inner thoughts unfold:
"Now, I have no concerns about anything else. I just want to be with Ciashi, to see her, talk to her, hear my name from her lips. I want to share in her sorrows and provide all the joys of the world to her. But how? Perhaps, she doesn't even know that I exist. She might not even be aware that I exist. Does she like someone else? Does she even like me? What if she rejects me?

But how can any girl reject me? I look good, my bank balance is sufficient, and I have so much to offer – the kind of qualities a girl looks for in her potential husband. I don't drink or smoke, and my love for her is immeasurable."
Raman thinks, "I will continue to pursue her, whether she rejects or accepts me, it doesn't matter. I will always protect her, always help her, no matter what happens. There's a strange connection that seems to have formed, as if we've been separated for years."

While lost in his thoughts, Raman suddenly hears someone calling, "May I get in, sir?" It's Raman's employee, wearing a gray suit with white lines and a white shirt, a serious expression on his face.

Raman, absorbed in his thoughts, doesn't respond immediately. The employee enters and notices Raman's distant demeanor. He asks, "Sir, are you alright?" standing right in front of where Raman is sitting, holding a file in his hand.

Raman, jolted back to the present, apologizes, "I am sorry, Darsh. I didn't notice when you entered. What were you saying?"
Darsh says, "Sir, just take a look at these designs. They were freshly designed by our designers," as he opens the file and shows it to Raman.

Raman, glancing at the pages for a few seconds, says, "Show me," examining the designs. After flipping through the pages for a moment, he comments, "Cancel the last one; it seems a bit too detailed."

Darsh, acknowledging, says, "Okay, sir. Anything else, sir?"

Raman inquires, "Have the models been shortlisted for our jewelry show?"

Darsh replies, "Yes, sir. I will provide you with their details as well."

Raman nods, "Okay, you can go now."


At Vaidehi's house:

"But what happened, Aarti? Why doesn't Ashok want to maintain a relationship with Ciashi?" Mamiji is very tense and confused. She can't understand what happened that suddenly led Ashok to break off the relationship.

On the call, Aarti explains, "Maa, Ashok says that Ciashi is not his type. He believes that Ciashi won't match the standards of his family." Aarti's voice is filled with tension.

She continues, "Maa, I'll hang up now. I'll talk to you later." After saying this, she cuts the call.

Ciashi is standing nearby, her eyes filled with tears. She is trying to steal glances at Mamiji, nervously clasping her hands together. Ciashi's face clearly reflects her vulnerability, with her eyebrows slightly furrowed due to fear.

Mamiji is glaring at Ciashi in anger, and her intimidating look is enough to make Ciashi tremble with fear. Ciashi is shivering, unable to speak or explain herself. Mamiji's stern gaze is enough to instill the fear Ciashi had been dreading.

Mamiji, filled with anger, says, "Ciashi, I had explained earlier that there should be no mistakes. You have to impress Ashok."

Continuing, she says, "But still, you didn't listen. Now, my daughter will have to bear all the responsibilities alone." Tension surrounds Mamiji's entire demeanor.

In a trembling voice, Ciashi tries to explain, "Mamiji, she...," but before Ciashi can say anything, Mamiji interrupts, "Be quiet. Don't utter a word, or I'll drag your tongue out."

Ciashi trembles as Mamiji scolds her. If there was one person Ciashi feared the most in her life, it was Mamiji, and it was evident.

Mamiji sits in a nearby chair, placing both palms on her face after scolding Ciashi. Ciashi wants to reach out to Mamiji, but fear prevents her from doing so.

After a few seconds, Mamiji removes her palms from her face. Mamiji's expressions change from tense and confused to a dangerous, expressionless look. Without looking at Ciashi, Mamiji instructs, "Meet me in the storeroom."

Hearing this, Ciashi trembles. Old memories of dangerous encounters flash through her mind.

Ciashi pleads, "Mamiji, please, I'll do whatever you say, please..." While speaking, Ciashi's voice reflects desperation. She falls to Mamiji's feet, holding onto them, begging. However, Mamiji remains expressionless, indifferent to Ciashi's pleas. Mamiji was resolute in her intentions.

Mamiji forcefully pushes Ciashi away with her feet, and without looking back, says, "I told you to meet me in the storeroom." Saying this, Mamiji heads straight to the storeroom.

Ciashi, scared, hesitates for a moment but then follows Mamiji, her legs shaking. She doesn't want to go further, but her trembling legs carry her forward.
Ciashi's POV:

The fear I had has come true; even though I didn't want it, Ashok has rejected this relationship. I tried my best, but it wasn't enough.

Now, what should I do? Mamiji won't let me go; she's furious, and no one can calm her anger. Mamaji is not at home either, and Mamiji won't show any mercy. Oh, Lord Shiva, when will my peace return, and when will something good happen? What have I done to deserve this much pain? Lord Shiva, please help me endure Mamiji's anger.

Now, whatever happens is in Your hands. Tears continue to flow from Ciashi's eyes; her eyelashes are wet, and her cheeks are red.


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