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The car door opens with a 'thud,' and as Ciashi settles into her seat, dust swirls up from the ground as the car moves away from its spot near the tires.
Ciashi, while fastening her seatbelt, says, "I hope I'm not late."
In a gentle voice, Raman responds, "No, you're pretty much on time," as he rotates the black wheel.
Continuing, he asks, "So, have you had breakfast?"

Ciashi replies, "Yes, and you?"

Raman, with a hesitant tone, admits, "Um... not yet, but I don't really feel like it either," scratching his head.

Ciashi smiles with pressed lips, "That means what Buadadi said was right."

Raman's eyebrows furrow in question, "What? Did she say something about me?"

Ciashi confirms, "Yes. She told me that you're health-conscious and don't prefer fast food much, but sometimes you're careless when it comes to eating, especially when you're engrossed in your work... She strictly instructed me to take care of your food schedule and remind you to eat on time."

Impressed, Raman says, "Yeah, I know. These are things only my family would say," he smiles. "But this is just the beginning. Prepare yourself for more stuff like that. And hey, no need to worry about my things or my eating habits. They all just love me above anything."

Ciashi, while looking at Raman, adds, "She also told me something else... She said that you always take care of everyone in the house but never like it if someone is bothered by you," she blinks. "And I think she was right," she exclaims.

Raman gasps, "Ah... fine... she wins," tapping his palm on the wheel and smiling.

Ciashi, with glowing eyes, says, "I like your family; they're really sweet, kind, and gentle," her eyes expressing nothing but the truth.

Raman responds, "Okay, that's so sweet of you, but... I want to know, what about me?"


Dadaji sits in his room, swallowing a tablet before drinking water. He picks up his phone and places it near his ear after a few beeps. "Abhishek! What about today's update? What are today's plans?" he asks.

Abhishek on the call responds, "Sir, not much for today. Sir has gone and told us to do pending works, that's it."

Dadaji is shocked. "What? Where has he gone? I don't think he would ever do that."

Abhishek explains, "Yes sir, sorry to say, but he has been behaving strangely like this for a few months now."

Dadaji, controlling his expression, sits on his bed and asks, "Tell me in detail what you're saying."

Abhishek hesitates before continuing, "I'm sorry again, sir, but everyone thinks it's just because of his marriage. I think he needs a break or a holiday."

Dadaji responds, "Abhishek, he just got married, so it's quite obvious. And for many years, he has always put this business and family above everything. I hope you understand?"

Abhishek agrees, "Yes sir, I understand."

Dadaji adds, "I should never hear any such gossip about Raman from the staff again. You have to take care of this."

Abhishek assures him, "Yes sir, you won't hear such things in the future."


Raman, while looking at Ciashi, asks, "Tell me Ciashi, what do you think about me?"

Ciashi stares at him blankly. After a deep breath, Raman says, "Um... it's okay if you don't want to answer," shifting his gaze forward.

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