CHAPTER -9 "A Sip of Resistance"

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The phone rings, and Raman picks up the call.

Raman's PA, speaking with urgency, says, "Sir, I am coming to your home. I have to share some important information."

Raman responds, "Alright, come directly to my office."

A moment later, a "thud" is heard as the door to Raman's office room swings open. A man in a black suit pants rushes in with a laptop.

Raman, who was sitting on a couch, stands up as the man enters and asks, "What happened, Darsh?"

Darsh replied in a tense tone, "Sir, for the past month, our sales have been decreasing day by day, and it's happening unnecessarily. Look at this." He showed the decreasing statistics on his laptop.

Raman responded firmly, "What? How is that possible? In fact, our company recently hired the best jewelry designers."

Darsh replied, "Sir, I think something is amiss. Someone might have tampered with something."

Raman replied while looking out into the air, "Only one person could do something like this."

"Your Taste Restaurant" - Kanpur...,

Ciashi, Aarti, Ashok, and Suraj were all seated at a table with four chairs in the luxurious restaurant. The chairs had soft covers in a light green color with a golden polish on the metal surfaces of the chairs and table. Two rounded candles with flames were placed on each table, along with glasses and tissues. The ceiling was beautifully designed with bucket-shaped white lamps hanging from it. The counter had small mirrors hanging on it, enhancing the overall interior.

The restaurant's theme was a captivating combination of golden, black, and light green. Aarti, while looking at Suraj, politely asked, "What will you eat, Suraj?"

Suraj, gazing directly into Aarti's eyes, replied, "If you feed me with your own hands, I'd eat poison."

Aarti blushed and responded, "Anything, even poison, for your enemies."

Ashok chimed in, "Let's order coffee first and then decide what to eat." He signaled the waiter to come over.

Ashok said to the waiter, "Three coffees with sugar and one coffee with no sugar."

Aarti interrupted and told the waiter, "Two coffees with sugar and one coffee with no sugar."

Ashok, looking confused and intrigued, glanced at Aarti.

Ciashi explained, "I don't drink tea or coffee."

The waiter noted down the order and asked, "Anything else, ma'am?"

Aarti replied gently, "That's all for now."

The waiter nodded, "Okay, ma'am."

Ashok, with a smile and a nod towards Ciashi, said to Aarti, "But Aarti didi, you must teach Ciashi to drink coffee because she'll have to after marriage. Coffee is essential for me; my day doesn't start without it."

As Ashok spoke, Ciashi and Aarti exchanged glances while contemplating each other.

At that moment, Suraj chimed in, "Yes, yes, absolutely. Now, Aarti, see, she never used to eat 'rayta' before marriage, but now, just because I like it, she does."

Aarti responded with a hint of seriousness, "But you never asked me to do that. I tasted 'rayta' just to see if it's good enough for you."

Suraj flirtatiously looked at Aarti and said, "Say whatever you want; you make the best 'rayta.' No one else can make 'rayta' like you."

As Suraj spoke, Aarti smiled and then glanced seriously at Ciashi.

Ciashi excused herself by saying, "Excuse me," and headed towards the restroom.
Aarti didi stood up and said, "Wait, Ciashi, I am also coming," and she followed Ciashi.

"Ciashi, I know very well why you never drink coffee or tea," Aarti understood and gently spoke. She continued while holding Ciashi's hand, "I will talk to Ashok about this. He will understand once he knows why you never drink coffee or tea."

Ciashi nodded, tears filling her eyes. Aarti continued, wearing a smile on her face, "Now, smile, my little sister."

Ciashi smiled while looking at Aarti, appreciating her understanding and support.
All four of them were seated at their respective tables, enjoying their meals. Ciashi had ordered pasta, Ashok had gone for a Chinese dish, Suraj was savoring his chow mein, and Aarti had chosen sandwiches. They all seemed content and engaged in their own conversations, with Aarti and Suraj chatting away happily.

As they neared the end of their meals, Ashok turned his attention towards Ciashi and asked, "So, what do you like to drink?"

Ciashi hesitated a bit before answering, "Well, in the morning, I usually have hot water, and occasionally, I drink turmeric milk at night."
Upon hearing Ciashi's response, Ashok couldn't contain his laughter and covered his mouth with his hand, trying to control his amusement. He then apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, guys."

Ashok's behavior caught Aarti and Suraj's attention, and they also turned to look at Ciashi. It was evident that Ashok found Ciashi's mention of drinking turmeric milk at night quite amusing, as if it were a childlike thing to do.

Ciashi felt a bit strange and embarrassed as Ashok continued to chuckle. She glanced at him and then at Aarti didi for support.

At that moment, Ashok signaled the waiter and said, "Coffee is such a delicious thing, and I think you should also try it. Try it now." He ordered, "One coffee with sugar, please."

Ciashi wanted to decline, but she couldn't find the words to do so. She kept looking at Ashok, who was determined to make her taste the coffee, as if he wanted her to give it a chance.

Aarti didi tried to explain to Ashok, saying, "Ashok, please understand."

But at that moment, Ashok was not in a mood to listen to anyone.

The waiter brought the coffee, and Ashok took the cup in his hand, extending it towards Ciashi. Her eyes were watery, and she hesitated, moving her head to indicate she didn't want it. However, Ashok was persistent and attempted to gently make Ciashi try the coffee, even if she resisted.
Aarti defended Ciashi by saying, "It's okay if she doesn't want to drink it."

However, Ashok was unaware that he had hurt Ciashi. To him, it was just a matter of tasting coffee. Ciashi's refusal was not just about trying coffee; it was connected to some memories that made it difficult for her. Ciashi was an innocent and sweet girl, and she couldn't resist Ashok even though he was forcing her.

After Ciashi declined, Ashok still brought the cup near her mouth and forced her to take a sip. Ciashi made a strange face while tasting the coffee, and in her heart, she wished she didn't have to do this right now. Despite her reluctance, she reluctantly took a sip of the coffee, even though she didn't want to. It tasted awful to her because she hadn't touched coffee or tea for many years.

Ashok, in a cheerful tone, said, "That's my girl," but just as he said that, his phone rang. He placed the coffee cup back on the table and answered the call.

Aarti handed Ciashi a tissue, looking concerned and apologetic. Her eyes conveyed an apology to Ciashi, as if she was responsible for putting her in that situation.

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