CHAPTER-6 "Raman's Yearning Glare"

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"Have you sent the jewelry samples to Mr. Mehta, as Raman instructed about sending the samples?"

Raman asks while driving his black car, speaking to his personal assistant.

"No, sir, not yet, because we needed to make some changes to the designs,"

the assistant replies over the phone.
"What? But why?" Raman stops the car and asks in surprise.

Then Raman gets out of the car and continues speaking,

"But you know that today was the deadline for sending the designs, and our company is famous for delivering our orders ahead of time. So, what is this?"
he asks, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Don't worry, sir. We will complete our work today before the deadline ends,"
the other person on the phone assures.

"Okay, call me after sending it,"

Raman says before hanging up the phone.

"On the other side of the road, Sonakshi asks Ciashi,"

How are we going to take this puppy with us? It's bleeding a lot."

"No problem, Sonakshi. I'll tie it in my stole and then we can take it to the doctor,"
Ciashi replies.

Raman overhears their conversation. He tries to catch a glimpse of the girl, but the sunlight ahead makes it difficult for him to see.

"Ciashi, but your clothes might get dirty, and who knows if the puppy has an infection?"

Sonakshi asks, confused.

"Don't worry. We can talk to the doctor about this later. Right now, this is important,"

Ciashi says as she lifts the puppy in her arms.

Raman tries to shield his eyes from the sun's rays with his hand as he attempts to see the girl who without a second thought, picked up a street dog, disregarding her own well-being.

He then notices her wearing a yellow simple kurta and white leggings.

Her hair is tied back with a rubber band, and a few curly strands of hair hang down on both sides of her face.

This makes it even harder for Raman to see her face, causing him more unease.

Her voice is gentle and soothing, and there's a sense of warmth about her.

Tring... Tring... Just as Raman was lost in his thoughts, his phone starts ringing, and it's Mr. Mehta calling.

But Raman ignores the call, completely engrossed in trying to catch a glimpse of the girl.

He doesn't care about the fact that his dealer is calling him, the dealer for whom he was supposed to send the jewelry samples.

And today is the last day for that. It's something he has never done before; he has always put his company above everything else, even before himself.

He had taken over his grandfather's small jewelry store twelve years ago and turned it into an international company today.

Raman has put his heart and soul into building his business to the point where it's not only the biggest in India but also the largest in all of Asia. He's known internationally as one of the best diamond merchants.

Curiously, Raman starts moving slowly forward to get a better look at Ciashi.

However, due to the glare of the sun, he still can't see her face clearly.

Raman approaches the road cautiously, almost as if gravity is pulling him, until he finally manages to catch a glimpse of Ciashi's face.

Suddenly, a bike speeds by, passing Raman closely. Raman quickly steps back, as if his senses have suddenly snapped back into place.

Until now, he hadn't heard the sound of the phone, but now it's ringing loudly in his ears.

He's shocked to see five missed calls from Mr. Mehta.
"Shitt," Raman mutters as he looks at his phone screen and calls Mr. Mehta back.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Mehta, for making you wait on the call. Your designs will be ready today itself,"

Raman apologizes politely for not picking up the call.

"Don't worry, Mr. Raman. I called you to let you know that you can even send the design samples by next week if you want,"
Mr. Mehta replies courteously.
"No, Mr.
Mehta, there's no need for that. If I promised today's date, then the work will be completed today," Raman says convincingly.

"Okay, Mr. Raman, as you wish," Mr. Mehta responds before ending the call.

As soon as the call ends, Raman looks back towards the road, but the two girls who were with the scooter are nowhere to be seen.

Raman quickly sits back in his car's seat, lost in his thoughts.

(Raman's Point of View)

What happened today? I've never experienced anything like this before. I don't know when I reached the middle of the road.

If I had taken even one more step, there would have been an accident with those bikers for sure.

And why didn't I hear the phone ringing earlier? Where was my attention when I ignored Mr. Mehta's call? Even after knowing how important that deal was with him, I still ignored it.

Raman clenches his fist and hits the car's steering wheel hard. "Hell, what was pulling me towards her? What was it?"

I don't understand why I was so desperate to see her, why was I so intrigued? What is it that I can't comprehend?

With these thoughts in his mind, Raman starts the car and drives away from there.

Raman is driving on a tranquil and verdant road, lost in his thoughts about the events of the day.

The image of the girl keeps replaying in his mind-her incomplete glimpse, her long dark hair that cascades down to her waist, her faint face, and the way she speaks-everything, even the small earrings she wore in her ears.

"Don't worry. We can talk to the doctor about this later. Right now, this is important,"

Ciashi's voice echoes repeatedly in Raman's ears.

Her words keep resounding in his ears, and he can't quite grasp their meaning.

The tension has caused a temporary furrow on Raman's forehead. He doesn't understand what's happening to him, what he's feeling.

Raman presses his foot on the brake, and the car comes to a sudden halt.

He unfastens his seatbelt and steps out of the car.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dials a number,

"Quickly find out, Sonakshi or Ciashi, the names of the girls who took an injured puppy to a veterinary doctor in Kanpur."

"Who is Ciashi?"

Raman's voice trembles as he tightens his fist, uttering Ciashi's name.

With these thoughts, he gets back into his car and drives away from the scene, his mind still preoccupied.



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