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~Breezy P.O.V.~

"Mornin' Mom." I said as I walked up to the porch steps and pulled Nelle in for a hug.

"Good morning-"

"Beezy!" Ivanna yelled as she came running out of the house still in her pajamas and her hair a curly mess. "Hi." She motioned for me to pick her up and of course I did.

"Hi Ivanna, how are you?" I gave her a big hug and put her back down because she was just too big for me to hold anymore. She grabbed my hand instead and looked up at me with a big smile.

"I'm good. Why are you here and where's T?"

"T's at home. I'm here to get M.C and Sugar Peach. They can finally come home with me, missed 'em so much." Mom had gone back inside, leaving Ivanna and I to go around the house to find my lil' niggas.

"Why couldn't you have them before? Can I come over and see them at your house?" She pulled me along the stepping stones and down the small hill till we got to the little field where I saw them hidden among the grass. Sugar Peach's tail wiggling around as she paved her way through the forest like grass.

"Breezon is a handful so I didn't have time for the lil' buddies. But now that I got a schedule goin' for him, I can bring my buddies back." M.C looked up at me and came running up to the gate, eager to come out with Sugar Peach right behind. "And yeah you can come over whenever you want to see 'em."

"I'm going to miss Sugar Peach. She likes to lick my hand when I eat popsicles." Ivanna said as she reached down to pet S.P. "Nala is always with LJ."

"S.P and M.C were your buddies huh?" She nodded. "I'll bring 'em back here from time to time for you to play with. I gotta get going 'cause I got a lot to do but I think T's having dinner at his house so if you wanna go, ask Mom, alright?" She nodded her head. "Aight, bye Ivanna."

"Bye Beezy! By Sugar Peach and M.C." She said as she waved to me. I waved back and headed back to my car with my buddies following right at my heels. I opened the door and they hopped in, settling into the seat as I hopped in my seat.


"Come on, we gon' see Mama before we go home." I said holding the door open for both of them. Their fat selves came out and ran right up to the porch like old times. "Mama!" I called out as I knocked on her door. "Mama please open up, it's been too long since we've talked and it's got me worried!" I continued to call out as I knocked.

I heard her footsteps approaching the door, followed by the tick of the lock and then she appeared before me. She looked awful and exceptionally tired. The dark circles under her eyes, which were red and puffy from crying I assume, she also let her hair start to go more grey. We stood there just looking at each other for a moment till I broke the moment of heavy tough silence and gave her a hug.

She stepped aside and welcome me inside, as well as the little buddies. Closing the door behind me, she walked over to the couch and sat beside me.

"Hi Mama." I said.

"Hi Christopher." She replied back in a voice that sounded like it had been painfully heaving for hours prior to now. "How are you?"

"I'm alright. How have you been? I've been worried about you. Not answering my calls or texts, unplugging the home phone and changing the locks? Mama I was scared for you."

"It's not easy to take in the fact one of your sons killed another son. It broke my heart. I can't pick up the phone and call Christian to ask how he is, I can't walk down to his house- Christano asks where Christian is. It hurts that I have to say Christian moved away." She said as she looked down at her lap.

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