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~Mr.OohThemInches P.O.V.~
~The Next Day~

"You good now?" I asked as I sat on her couch. "Are you gonna scream some more?"

"I'm good now. I just can't believe it." Mama said as she continued to hug me. "I missed you so much, Christopher you don't even understand." She kept kissing my cheek and I swear it makes me die inside with each kiss. "You weren't hurt right?"

"No Mama. I was fine. I'm here now and that's all that matters but have you heard anything about Yvonne or know where she is?" I could barely sleep last night. I just want to know where she is, where my child is, and if they're both fine.

"I haven't heard a single word from her." My head dropped and I let out a disappointed sigh. "I thought maybe you would know." I shook my head slowly.

"I'm just gonna ask around till I get an answer and I'll let you know." I only stopped by to say hi and let her know I was good... I probably shouldn't have came by before she was leaving for work? Eh. I'll come back later on.

"Alright. Good luck and I love you." She said gave me a hug before I made it to the door.

"Love you too Mama." I called out. My next place to go was to Romeo's and see what was happening over there.

As I was walking, I felt like I was in a new place. Oakland looked so different or I was just in New York for too long. Which way was to Romeo's? Did I go left at the first or second corner? It was always the second corner. I think?

I feel so out of place in the city I was born and raised in... That was just sad. This is when I resent going to New York but then I sit back and remember... Everything I went through is what built me to who I am right now.


"Romeo?" I said as I walked into the shop. It looked exactly the same and I wanted to bitch at Romeo for that. This nigga had all this time to fix up his shop and he still didn't. If I was Romeo Sr. I would have beat Romeo's ass for slackin' like that.

"Aye what- whoa. What in the hell kind of voodoo shit you tryna pull? This is a no witchcraft - devil spells zone." Yo' superstitious ass.

"I never died. I've been alive just on the down low. I'd explain and all but I just need to know where Yvonne is." I watched him take a seat in his swivel chair and I naturally took a seat in mine. "Well?"

"She left your place a month after we were all told you were killed. She was heart broken- she was pretty much dead herself. I felt bad for her and I was worried she wasn't eating since she was growing thinner and thinner as each week went by. I asked her to move in with me and she did. She was fine, not the same Yvonne but she was at least doing better-" He paused to take a sip of his water. "-she was due very soon and one morning I woke up to find her gone. All her stuff packed and room empty. No one saw her leave the block and I haven't seen her since then." Again, another disappointed sigh escaped from me.

"You have any idea where she may have gone?" He shook his head. "I swear it's like she just dropped off the face of the earth." How the hell am I going to find her? "What else has happened?" I wanted to change the subject for the time being. It was only killing my mood and making me feel depressed.

"Sage and Tiffany are back together." He said with a shrug. "My Dad wants to expand this shop so we have more space." That would be nice. "Chelsea got married and is pregnant so she doesn't work here anymore because she's scared of the chemicals-"

"God has heard my prayers. You don't know how badly I've wanted her to find a new nigga, marry his dumbass, and be tied down to him by a child. Now she'll finally leave me the fuck alone." There are happy endings... There really are. Been wanting her to stop trying to hop on my dick for the longest and it finally happened.

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