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~Breezy P.O.V.~

I sat on the couch trying to quiet down Breezon, when I heard the back door opening. I wasn't sure what to do.. Do I grab my gun and investigate with Breezon still in my arms? or do I leave him on the couch but what if there's more than one person and they come in through another door and Breezon gets hurt? I needed to think fast, so I set him on the couch, proped between a few pillows and grabbed the gun out of my pocket.

I stood by the doorway, gun cocked and waiting. I reached my hand around the corner and flickered on the lights, holding my gun up.

"Chris don't shoot! It's just me!" Yvonne screamed, petrified as she stared at the end of the gun. It took a second to register the situation but I gradually brought the gun down and just bankly stared back at her. "What's wrong with you? Are you alright?" She asked just about as concerned as she was scared. She grabbed my gun from me and set it on the kitchen table.

"Where the hell were you? Especially when I was calling you? Yvonne I was worried as fuck about you."

"Why are you using such a harsh tone? I was moving boxes to the shed from the basement." She said back in a confused tone. "I couldn't hear you calling my name and I didn't know me moving boxes would make you this upset."

"It's not the action that's got me upset, it's I was worried as fuck that someone got you or something-"

"Seriously calm it down Chris. No one is hurt, I'm fine, you're fine, Breezon is fine and I was just clearing out the basement since you still hadn't got to it yet." She snapped back at me as she passed by me to the living room to pick up a fussy Breezon. "I get you've got a lot on your plate but don't ever take it out on me." She said before ascending up the stairs.

I turned off the lights downstairs and followed up the stairs where I saw Yvonne in Breezon's room rocking him in the rocking chair. She reached down and kissed his forehead, pulling back with a smile on her face, it was like she blocked out everything around her and focused solely on him when she spent time like that with him.

I gave a small shake of my head and walked to my room, closing the door behind me and letting out a much needed deep breath. I changed into just a loose pair of boxers and got in my bed. Putting my phone on the charger, I sat back and turned on the TV. Channel surfing for a hot minute till I landed on the news because the batteries in the remote died.

"For fucks sake." I said irritated as I got off the bed and walked over to the closet to pull out a new set of battier from the small cabinet up above. It just dawned on me that we keep batteries in such an odd place... I'm moving them to my nightstand.

"In troubled gang news, there was yet another shooting up in the North side of Oakland between the West Side and North Side-" My head snapped up so fast to the TV and just glared. "-Apparently drugs aren't the only things being fought over but territory as well. West Side Gang, WTE was involved leaving a few men injured but no deaths. We'll have more information when we return from the break." It switched to a commercial and I just stared at the screen absentmindedly... Since when did the North Side ever have beef with the West Side? That's just all wrong, why didn't the East Side jump in too? Why isn't South Side involved? Whenever North is involved with shit, South is right there to go against them. More importantly, what is WTE even doing in all this? Nothing makes sense anymore and I'm left confused-

"I never knew you were so into tampon commercials." Yvonne said snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes kind of hurt from directly staring into the screen so I had to blink a few times to lubricate my eyes.

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