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Jeff sat alone in his apartment, low light from a small table lamp flooding one corner of the open plan living area. His thumb hit the channel button on the remote control repeatedly, but it yielded nothing of any interest. A sigh escaped his pale pink lips as he placed the device on the coffee table in front of him. Maybe he was hungry. He placed his hands on his knees as he pushed himself up off of the sofa with minimal effort and dragged his feet across the floor to the kitchen. The bright light from the refrigerator momentarily stung his eyes as he opened the door. The empty shelves taunted his now rumbling stomach. Another sigh cut through the silence.

"I guess I need to go and buy food," he said to himself.

Jeff walked over to the apartment door, kicked off his grey slippers and put a pair of flat canvas trainers on his feet. His light blue, baggy denim jeans draped over the shoes, rendering them virtually invisible. He reached over to the console table above the shoe rack and grabbed his door keys, shoving them in his pocket. It was a warm summer evening so he chose not to wear a coat over his white oversized tee shirt. He turned the brass door knob with his right hand and walked through the open doorway, pulling the door shut behind him.

Fortunately there was a convenience store located just down the road from Jeff's building, which meant he frequented there regularly. His brother, Charlie, was always telling him to shop at a supermarket, buy fresh ingredients and cook a nutritious dinner from scratch, but that sounded like far too much effort to Jeff. He and Charlie were like chalk and cheese, two sides of the same coin. Charlie was confident, socially outgoing and sure of himself. Jeff on the other hand was not any of those things. He kept to himself, had little interest in talking to people and enjoyed his own company. At least that's what he told himself repeatedly, everytime he found himself alone in his apartment on a Friday night.

And just like every other Friday night, tonight he found himself walking down the same street, alone, to the same convenience store to buy the same instant noodle pot dinner. Groups of friends flowed down the street around him, laughing and joking, singing and shouting. Jeff ignored it for the most part, but recently a thought had been inconveniently invading his mind. What would it be like to be in a group like that? To be surrounded by people who enjoyed your company? Or even just one person?

But like the few times before, Jeff shook those thoughts away, pushing them down into the depths of his mind, willing them to stay buried. He didn't need anyone, didn't want anyone either. His life wasn't compatible with other people, he'd learnt that the hard way. Charlie was the only person he had ever opened up to, they understood each other. But Jeff even kept him at a safe distance. He couldn't afford to make the same mistakes he'd made before.

He walked through the automatic doors of the familiar store, the bright white lights forced him to squint his eyes momentarily. His feet carried him to the instant noodle aisle, he didn't need to pay much attention to where he was going, the store layout was seared into his mind. His arm reached out and grabbed two of his usual brand of noodle, his stomach told him that one wouldn't be enough tonight. He paused, contemplating whether to get a third when he heard voices. From the sounds of it a group of at least four people had entered the shop. They were loud. Jeff could tell they were men, not because of the sound, but because of the smell. Pine, musk, cedarwood and tobacco wafted through the air as they moved around the store. Their pheromones were strong. There was another scent too, but Jeff couldn't quite pinpoint that one. It wasn't an Omega, he'd be able to recognise another Omega like himself. He didn't care anyway, he thought, they were of no interest to him. He moved up the aisle with his noodle pots in hand. An overpowering aroma flooded his scent receptors. Why did it smell so familiar? It was an Alpha, he must be close, Jeff thought.

He moved swiftly across the store and up the adjacent aisle in an attempt to put some distance between himself and the Alpha. What was that smell? Oil? Or grease? His concentration waned as his focus shifted from moving away to identifying the odour that was currently invading every inch of his nasal cavity. It was becoming more distinct, this Alpha had clearly separated from the group. Jeff's feet kept moving, his brain too overwhelmed by the pheromones to tell his limbs to stop.

Jeff could feel the fog coursing through him, could feel himself losing all rational thought. Why was this happening? He subconsciously turned the corner at the end of the aisle. A reckless decision. It happened so quickly. The tall figure was there, Jeff was there. Their bodies collided, the force of the impact pushed Jeff backward. An arm reached out, rough, long fingers wrapped around Jeff's forearm. Jeff's body reacted instinctively, his arm stretching, his fingertips coming into contact with warm skin. Oh shit.

Jeff was sitting on a kitchen counter. The room was bright and airy, light flooded in through the large glass windows inset in two of the walls. There was that smell again, pine with cinnamon this time. The scent belonged to that Alpha. He stood between Jeff's legs, one hand on Jeff's thigh the other at his face. A rough thumb brushed along Jeff's plump lower lip sending a quiver through his entire body. The Alpha's eyes were fixated on Jeff's mouth as he continued to caress the soft pink skin. Jeff's breath was heavy, laboured even. The Alpha moved closer, their lips mere millimetres apart. His mouth moved, the words spoken were soft and tender. "I love you Jeff".

"Are you okay?" a familiar voice asked softly. Jeff looked up at the figure in front of him. The Alpha with the pine aroma stood staring at him. His strong fingers were still entwined around Jeff's arm. Jeff couldn't speak, his brain had turned into useless pulp. All he could do was nod.

"Okay good. Sorry for bumping into you" the Alpha added before releasing Jeff's arm, smiling and walking away.

Jeff stood, frozen in the middle of the store. He hadn't had a vision in a while, he'd been careful not to touch anyone. Knowing someone's future was a burden, one he didn't want to bear. But what he'd just seen, that was his future. His future with that Alpha?

What the fuck?


Hope someone enjoys 🙂


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