Chapter 20: The take back

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Mateo "Steven" Hudson|27

"Such a small fucking world

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"Such a small fucking world." I mumbled to myself on the way home.

I know that I said I would visit Tay and mumz,but it's currently to 12 and I don't want to wake them.

As the car radio played in the background I drove slowly with the windows down thinking about everything that happened tonight.

Nars and Jason deh that was honestly not what I was expecting.

"A lucky thing mi neva mek nuh move pan her." I laughed speeding up.

That woulda truly fuck up everything wid me and Jason.

But come to think of it she did mention at the party that the relationship is relatively new so even if I made a move before it wouldn't have mattered.

Or would it?

With all that happened I must say that I I have an interest in her. When I first saw her on the beach that day and talked to her I was mesmerized by her life and her interest,and don't get me started on her beauty. All those factors played a part in my decision to invest in whatever venture she proposed, but then the whole Sydney situation happened and I had to put her aside for a while and look what happened.

Mi wait too long and now she deh wid Jason. Mi dawg from a taller time. If mi seh mi nuh jealous I would be lying barefaced.

The offer is basically off the table at this point, because no man would allow their significant other to take a business loan from their friend. Woulda mek him look worthless. So at this point I'll have to just erase Nars Walters from my brain.

Her work is really good though I must admit, based on how she decorated that house I can tell that that's the business she wants to venture into and I wish her the best with her future endeavors.
Who knows maybe one day we could collaborate on a project together. But for now she's just my friends girl and as long as she is I'm going to avoid her like the plague.

I know how I get when I like someone and trust me this is the best thing that I can do for myself and her sake.


Jason Stallone|28

Jason Stallone|28

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