Chapter 50

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Wow!! 50 chapters!!!
Can you believe it?!
Image used to celebrate :D ^


I woke up to a ringing in my ears.
Did I seriously leave my alarm on?
I let out an annoyed groan as I sat up, blinking for a moment before sliding off my bed and turning the alarm off.

I then went and did my ordinary morning routine and dressed up.
I went downstairs to make some breakfast, remembering Jonah was staying over.

I decided to make some cereal for breakfast today, for both me and Jonah.

As I started to eat my breakfast, I heard footsteps.

Guess Jonah decided to wake up and eat.

We both ate in silence before I asked if he wanted to meet someone else.
He agreed, and so, here we were, waiting for that special someone in the park.

Yes, it probably wasn't the safest place to wait for someone at, but that 'special person' should be here at any moment.

I heard the sound of grass being mushed down (FOOTSTEPS), and turned around to see that special someone.


Short chapter but I listened to Warsaw, Consequences, and Portrait of a blank state all by Lovejoy!

Yes, I've known Lovejoy for a while. I was there before they had 1.44M Subs.

Also, hope you all enjoyed this! Yes it was quick, yes it was short. But was it enjoyable to read? You (The Reader :D) decide!

And as always, have a goodnight/goodmorning, or whatever it is as whatever your time zone is :)
Take care of yourselves!

Mark Heathcliff x Fem!Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now