Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 - THE DREAM
Hello everyone!
I hope you all are having a great day!
Enjoy the chapter!!


Running through the fields..

Far, far away.

Into the forest we go..

Far, far away.

Off and away we go..

Far, far away..


I rubbed my eyes open, noticing I was in my house.
At least it looked like my house..
It was dark outside, and all the lights in the house were off.
I heard a knock on the door and got up.
I unlocked the door without a second thought and saw Cesar.
"Hola amigo Y/n!" He greeted, smiling.
But something was off-
"Hello Cesar!" I greeted back cheerfully.
"What are you doing out here alone?" Cesar went serious after I asked the question.
He replaced his smile with a slight frown and stared at me.
Everything seemed intense and it felt as if someone was watching us.
But I knew that wasn't true.
I thought that wasn't true.
I think that isn't true..
"Oh, I just got a bit lost while I went to Mark's you mind if I can stay at yours for a while? It's pretty dark and cold out.." He started looking sad, so I let him in like the good friend I was.
But something still felt off.
I led Cesar to the couch and we talked for a while before I started to get sleepy.
I told Cesar that I was getting sleepy and that he should go to sleep as well.
So I got ready for sleep and fell onto my bed, falling asleep.
Nothing could go wrong now..


MWAHAHAHAHHA- Anyways, I hope everyone loved this chapter!!
Comment down what you think will happen next.. 😏😁👍

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