Getting Sick

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didn't think I would post a chapter but since I can't sleep again I just will

        **✿❀     1rst Person    ❀✿**
I woke up in my bed, looking around.
Wasn't I sleeping on the couch?
That's weird.
I went in the bathroom and did my morning ritual- jk jk
I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and did whatever else I needed to usually do these mornings.
I coughed before walking out of the bathroom. That's also weird.
Why did I have a bit of a headache?
Maybe because I stayed up with Mark last night.
I ran downstairs and found him on the couch, rubbing his eyes. (He was sitting)
"Hmmm... What?" He blinked a couple times before getting off the couch and stretching. "Oh thank goodness, I thought... Actually I don't know what I thought. Eh. Never mind. Uhhh- good morning?" I spoke, walking into the kitchen. "Good morning to you too." He responded, sitting down at the table.
{After you both ate breakfast}
I went upstairs to my room and looked through a few of my books to read.
I picked out a book about animals before going onto my bed, sitting down and reading for a while.
I kept coughing and started sneezing though so I put a bookmark in the book and closed it, placing it on top of my small wardrobe.
I went downstairs and boiled some tea, picking out Jasmine tea and placing the tea bag into the cup after it was down boiling. "What are you doing?" I heard Mark ask. I jumped, luckily I wasn't holding the tea. "Making tea.." I replied in a sleepy voice. "You sound tired. Did you get enough sleep?"
"I.. Think so. But- I feel kinda weird.."
"What do you mean?"
"Uhmm- never mind. Don't worry about it." I grabbed my tea and went upstairs past him. I felt kinda bad, but I didn't want to give him more work. Cesar might need him for something or he might need to do something at his own house.
{After you drank the tea you laid in bed on your side for a while}
I sniffed as the headache got worse and closed my eyes.
I don't know how long it's been but I'm feeling worse. I think I just need a nap.
After about.. 30? 50? I don't know how many minutes before I fell asleep, but it felt nice.
(You fell asleep at around 5 PM)

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛I will make a part 2♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Since this was pretty short, I will make a part two.
Hope you enjoyed this one!
See you in the next one 👏

Mark Heathcliff x Fem!Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now