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Hey everyone, hope y'all liked last chapter.
Right now it's 12/19 but I'll post this on. 12/20.
So, this book will be ending either the 21st or 22, maybe even after Christmas if I'm in the mood to add chapters.
I'll add an ending note, of course, just to remind myself I'm  putting it here when I check.
I hope everyone liked the story so far btw!
I'll get a chapter or two in since I'm staying up for a bit.
Hope everyone has a good day/night! Whatever time it is for you!

Also, one last thing before this note ends, please check the poll in the announcements book I've made if you haven't already and comment. I'd really like to know what you guys want me to type, what new stories, etc.
What's your opinion?
So please, go ahead to the announcements book and there should be a poll chapter. Just comment what you want as the next book and you're done!
If it's a fandom I haven't been in, I'll try to see what it's about so I don't just type up random stuff.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

Mark Heathcliff x Fem!Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now