Chapter 45

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Chapter 45 is finally here!!
Not like this took a couple months or anything..
One last word..

I stared at the liquid for another minute.
I then noticed him sit down next to me on the couch with some bandaids and medical wrapping with him.
He scooted closer to me, apparently trying to wrap up the wound or whatever.
I leaned over to him, allowing him more access.

[ • TIMESKIP • ]

I leaned my head back, staring up at the ceiling.
I didn't get his name still.
How do I keep forgetting?
I'll ask him later.



I felt tired, but.. Not tired?
I don't know anymore.
Might as well sleep, and ask him tomorrow on what his name is.
Yeah, tomorrow.
I yawn, my hand cupping over my mouth.
"Guess I should sleep, hm?" I mumble, continuing to lean my head back on the couch.
I allow my eyes to droop before shutting them completely.


Well sweet, another short chapter :/
I know at least one of yall is disappointed 😡😡😡
Anyways uh yeah have a great rest of your day or night 😃

Mark Heathcliff x Fem!Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now