Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 - The Visit.
I was just about finished when I heard a knock at the door.
"Coming!" I spoke as I ran over to the door.
I opened it up to see the person from the call earlier. "Hi! You came a bit earlier than expected... Hehe.." I nervously chuckled, clearing my throat as I let him in.
"Wow.. Your place is so nice!" He commented as he smelled the air.
The air smelled like roses because of the candle that was burning in the kitchen.
"Erm.... Thank you!" I replied as we walked to the living room. "So what do you want to do?" I asked as we both sat down on the couch. "How about...wait- do you have any board games?" Board games? "I think so. Hold on let me go check." He hummed in response before I went to my room.
I then rummaged through my drawers until I found a board game. I pulled it out and took it carefully with me downstairs. I walked back to the living room, placing the board game onto the table.
He glanced at me as I smiled widely.
He is so going to lose! I thought excitedly.
" how do you play this game again?" He glanced up at me and then to the board game.
"Okay, so this board game id called Monopoly," I started to explain as I pointed at the board game's box.

(After you explained all the rules and how to play Monopoly because I've never played Monopoly)

I was starting to get a little bit hungry as we cleaned up the board game. "Are you hungry? Because I'm hungry." I blurt out as I closed the box.
He just stares at me before answering,
"Yeah. Can you make me a sandwich?" I grabbed the box as I was about to go upstairs. "Yup. Grilled cheese?"
(Time skip brought to you by my forgetfulness)
" you have any pets?" He asked as he sat down on a chair. "Yes I do." I replied as I placed the hot grilled cheese sandwiches onto two plates.
"Cool! What kind? Like, what kind of animal? Ooh! Is it a dog? Or is it a-"
"It's a cat."
"Really? Can I see them? Oh, I really want to see them! What kind of cat are they? What breed? I know lots of breeds! What color is their fur? Are they cute? Are they nice?"
"They-" I got cut off as he kept on bombarding me with questions.
Was this what happened when he got too hungry? Oh, whatever! I'm already starving at this point.
"Just eat your sandwich!" I shouted over all the questions he was asking.
He stopped for a moment before quietly eating the grilled cheese sandwich.
(After y'all ate)
I placed the plates into the sink and washed my hands before I heard the doorbell ring.
"One second. Also, wash your hands." He hummed a yes as I turned off the water and wiped my hands, going to open the door after I did so.
I opened the door to see-


Start time: 9:52 PM (26th) - 11:34 PM (27th)
Finish time: 11:47 PM (27th)
Word count: 542

Mark Heathcliff x Fem!Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now