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 CHAPTER | 013- ꜰʟᴀꜱʜʙᴀᴄᴋ -

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- ꜰʟᴀꜱʜʙᴀᴄᴋ -

"NOW why should i do that?" jungkook asked the lower class student who was bowing down to him. "because (y/n) hasn't been getting any sleep. she stays up at 3am and wakes up at 5 to make breakfast for all of us" taehyung replied. "how is it my fault that you guys are poor to not afford your own chef" he said. "it's not like you're not going to have a target. i will take her place. she has helped me before and i want to repay her" taehyung said which kinda made jungkook annoyed. how close are the two of you? based on the file that jisoo gave him, you have been friends with him since freshman year. "my answer is still no so leave now until i have one of the security guards kick you out of the dorms" jungkook smiles, making taehyung mad.

"you rich kids are really that selfish, huh. only caring about themselves first than others" he said. "if you really that worry about her, why not have someone else cook for you guys" the rich kid suggested. "it's not about that! have you really not seen the bruises she has" your best friend asked. jungkook's eyes widened when he heard that. "what bruises?" he asked. "it's all over her face. you honestly haven't seen them?" taehyung asked and jungkook shook his head. "she has no bruises when she walked into class" jungkook said. "well she does. and a lot of them. we keep on telling her to go to the hospital but she doesn't listen" taehyung said. "do she tell you who has been doing this to her" jungkook asked, now pissed off that you didn't tell him. "she said it was some fan of yours. what pisses me off is that she can't do anything about it" your best friend asked.

"why is that?" jungkook asked. "i don't know. maybe it's the fact that we can easily put the people we care about in danger. she's right about money equaling power. something we don't have" taehyung said. "if it's one of my crazy fans, i can stop it" the rich senior replied. "of course you can. it's your fault why she's getting hurt in the first place" the lower-class senior mumbled the last sentence before walking out of the room. once jungkook was alone, he glance over to the mirror and stared at himself. why didn't he see that you were in pain? why didn't you tell him that you were in pain? do you think he made them do that? do you think you deserved to get beaten up? he pulls out his phone to see the time. you should be arriving at any time. he will make sure the person responsible for your injuries will be suffer.

after a few minutes, you walked into his dorm with books. "i brought every book we need to study for the finals" you placed them down on the table. you look over to see jungkook angry. you haven't seen him this angry since kiara disrespected you. "did i do something wrong?" you asked. "show me them" he ordered. "show you what? the books are right here" you pointed at them. "i'm not playing around. show me where they hurt you" he commanded. "taehyung told you, didn't he? look, i'm fine! do you see me crying in pain?" you asked. "i don't care. show me them, flower" he said and you sigh. "i'm gonna need to use your shower then" you said and he nods. jungkook heads to his closet and grabs a pair of shorts and a tank top. "here. you can change into these. there are fresh towels in the bathroom" he hands you clothes. "i'll try not to get your bathroom cover with blood" you said, making him more mad that you didn't tell him.

as you were showering, jungkook called his family doctor if he could come and check on your injuries. luckily, he was free and is on his way over. 'am i really that self-centered that i didn't even notice that the girl in front of me has been getting beaten up?' he asked himself. soon you walked out of the bathroom. his eyes soften and his heart drop when he saw the bruises all of over your body along with some stitches. "t-they did all of this?" he asked and you nodded. "like i said, im fine. i have been applying ointment. they are really nothing" you said which made him mad. "you're saying this doesn't hurt you!?!" he yells as he presses down on your bruises. it annoyed him that you didn't even move or made a sound. if it was anyone else they would have cried in pain. so why didn't you?

"who did this to you?" jungkook asked as he lets go. "i thought you knew them" you said. "y-you honestly think i would have someone do this to you?" he asked. "well yeah. you did the same thing to taehyung just get me to be your servant. i thought you wanted to prove your point that i should have never bother you rich kids" you answered. there was then a knock on the door. "jungkook, it's me! i need your help" mingyu shouted from the hallway. you were about to open the door yet jungkook grabbed your hand. "wear this" he hands you his hoodie. as you put it on, he opens the door and mingyu walks in. his eyes widened when he saw your face. "what the fuck jungkook!?! did you do this to her!?!" mingyu yells at his friend. "of course not. i would never do that to her" jungkook replied. "then who did?" mingyu asked. "i was about to ask her that" jungkook and mingyu look over to you.

"some girl named kang miyeon. but i am really fine. it doesn't hurt" you said. "of course it was her. mingyu, make sure she doesn't leave. my doctor will be coming here soon to check up on her" jungkook said as he puts on his jacket and shoes. "on it! she won't be leaving until you get back" he replied. jungkook leaves his dorm, leaving you and mingyu. "does he know who she is? i thought he didn't know names of all of his crazy fans" you asked making him chuckle. "miyeon isn't a crazy fan" mingyu said. "then who is she?" you asked. "one of jungkook's exes" your eyes widened. "he had girlfriends?" and mingyu nodded. "yeah. three. she's the latest. they broke off right before he met you. jungkook was the one who dumped her" mingyu answered. "why did he break up with her?"

"because of us. she had him choose between his friends and her"

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