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"Hide and seek? Fine by me"


KOL IS PLAYING THE VIDEO GAME, and Elena walks up behind him with a bottle of alcohol.

"Sorry, I had to dig up the old people alcohol." Elena said and Kol turns around and pauses the game. He begins to walk over to the kitchen.

"Yeah, that's the problem with people today. They have no drinking imagination. Turn-of-the-century New Orleans - now, they knew how to make a drink." Kol said.

"You lived in New Orleans?" She asked.

"We all did, till Niklaus shoved a dagger in my heart." He said.

"Why? What did you do?" She askedm

"What makes you think I did anything? Has your alliance with my brother softened you to his horrors?" Kol said.

"I don't have an alliance with Klaus. We had a mutual interest in finding the cure - that's all." Elena said.


"Yes. And I am willing to give up looking for it if you promise to leave my brother alone." Elena said as Kol doesn't reply, and Elena picks up the mixer. "Now, can you teach me how to make this?" Elena slightly smiles and Kol takes the mixer. "I'll get some ice."

Elena watches as Kol pours something into a glass. She opens the refrigerator and pulls out her phone. She has a message from Jeremy that says 'Trying to find her. KEEP KOL THERE.' in response to her message "He's got the stake. Where is B?". She gets something from the fridge and closes the door. Kol is standing right next to her, startling her.

Elena is holding a bowl of ice, and she offers it to Kol.

"Here you go."

"Would you like one?"

She hesitates.

"Sure, why not?" Kol puts the ice in the drinks. "You are really good at that game. Definitely considering you have been locked up in a coffin for a hundred years."

Kol smiles "I am a quick learner. Speedy reflexes. It's not much like the real thing, though, is it?" He said as Elena looks up. "You've killed, haven't you? Or are you one of those Mary Sue vampires?"

"I have killed. Once. I am guessing your number's a lot higher than mine." Elena said.

"You lose track over the years. So, are we going to talk about Silas, or just jibber-jabber?" Kol said.

Elena gestures to the family room, and Kol walks over. Elena pulls out her phone. She has a text from Matt saying 'No dagger yet. Need time.'


Kol is drinking and leaning against the sofa.

"Nobody else seems to think Silas exists, so why do you? Did Angelina make you believe it?"

"Don't say anything about my darling Angelina, Elena or we will have problem." Kol said. Even though they fought, he still loves her. "I used to run with some witches. Africa in the fourteenth century, Haiti in the seventeenth century, New Orleans in the nineteen hundreds. They all knew about Silas; that he needed to stay buried. I actually hold witches in high esteem." Kol explained.

"Yeah, but why Silas? Why are you so afraid of him?" Elena asked

"They said if Silas rises, he will unleash hell on Earth. I happen to like Earth just the way it is." Kol said.

"That's pretty biblical."

"Well, that's the other problem with people today - they have lost faith. And in that loss, they no longer know who they should fear." Kol said. "Angelina also believed in Silas but she started to think it was one of the bedtime stories because Rebekah made her."

"Rebekah seems to be manipulating Angelina" Elena said and Kol glanced her.

"That what I thought but their friendship is too good for manipulation. They have been best friends since the day they met." Kol said. "When I said, don't say anything about my dear Angelina, I meant her relationships" he said.


Kol is walking around and picks up a framed photograph of Elena and Jeremy joking around. He stares at it as Elena approaches him, carrying a bottle of wine.

"So we are out of gin, but I think this is a good year." Elena said.

"What if I said I don't believe you?" Kol said.

"Okay, you caught me. I don't know anything about wine." Elena said and Kol sets the picture down.

"It just seems odd that you'd be so willing to give up something you want so much." Kol said.

"I would do anything for my brother. And if what you're saying about Silas is true, what does it matter what I want if it puts everyone else in danger?" Elena said.

" Well, this has been enlightening. Thanks for the drinks." Kol said and Elena starts to panic as Kol moves to leave. She takes a step towards him as he opens the door. "I will take your request for a truce under advisement."

"Is there any chance that you could be wrong about Silas?" Elena said.

"Trust me, Elena. Some things are better left buried." Kol said as he leaves and Elena sighs.


Jeremy walks in cautiously, holding up a gun loaded with wooden bullets. He closes the door and hears a noise. He's ready to shoot, but stops when he sees it's Elena.

"I am sorry. He left. I mean, I - I tried to stall as long as I could" Elena said.

The doorbell rings.

"That's Bonnie. She was right behind me." Jeremy said and Elena goes to open the door, but it's Kol.

"I have considered your request for a truce. Request denied." Kol said as Elena slams the door in his face.

"I am sorry. I have already been invited in!" Kol shouted. He kicks the door open and walks in; Elena and Jeremy are gone. "Hide and seek? Fine by me."





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