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"Oh look, Professor Creepy"


Damon and Elena are following the young blonde girl from Professor Shane's class across campus as Angelina, Bonnie and Xavier are walking around.

"She's young and healthy; she will heal up like a charm. Just keep your eye on the ball. Okay?" Damon said.

"It's not a game, Damon." Elena said.

"Fine, it's not a game. It's a high stakes dangerous maneuver. Now, just go, just like we practiced. That's all you have to do." Damon said and Elena walks up to the girl from behind.

"Hey!" Elena said and the girl turns around. "You are in my Anthro class, right?" Elena asked.

"Uh, yeah, I guess so."

"I totally spaced and forgot to get the reading list. Do you have it?" Elena said with smile.

"Sure. Uh - let me check." Girl said as she looks at her phone. Elena grabs the girl's wrist and compels her.

"This isn't going to hurt. Please don't scream." Elena said as she looks down at the girl's phone. She sees a picture of her with a young girl. "Who is that?"

"It's my little sister."

"Get out of here. Go back to class."

Damon sighs in frustration. The girl walks away. Elena looks disappointed in herself. Damon walks up to her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Damon said.

"I just...I saw the picture and I-" Elena started.

"Everybody is someone's uncle or father or camp counselor or bible study teacher. Elena, you don't know these people, why do you care?" Damon said.

"I care because I am still me. I still have the same feelings, Damon. Sorry if that spoils your master plan to turn me into a super vampire." Elena said as Bonnie, Angelina and Xavier walk up to them.

"What is going on?" Bonnie said as Angelina and Xavier argued behind her.

"Nothing. Elena is educating me on the importance of feelings." Damon said.

Elena sighed and glanced Bonnie, "Did you talk to the professor?"

"For a second. He found some stuff of my Grams' in his office and he is gonna dig it up for me. Oh, uh, this." Bonnie said as she hands Elena a flyer for a fraternity murder house party.

"Oh, nice, the answer to all of our problems. A frat party: douche central." Damon said as he rubs his hands together. "Which is why, you will be eating very well tonight." He smirks. Bonnie looks disgusted. "So, what should we go as? Victims or killers?"

"Leave me alone, Xavi"

"Apologize, Lina"

Smith siblings argued, not listening to others. Bonnie rolled her eyes with saying, "they have been arguing the whole time. I can't take this anymore."

"Angelina, Xavier!" Damon exclaimed and they stopped.

"Wow, you seem like a mother of them, Damon. You needed to shout once and they ars silent." Bonnie said and Damon glared at her.

"Shut up, Bonnie." Xavier said with smile.


Elena, Damon, Angelina, Xavier and Bonnie walk into the murder party together and are greeted by a college student named Frankie. Angelina is wearing witch's costume, so is Xavier.

"Hey. I am Frankie, unassuming serial killer." He greeted.

"I am Jack." They all take a drink "And these are the three lovely ladies and one gentlemen I just... Rippered." Damon said and Smith siblings rolled their eyes.

"Welcome to the Murder House, Bloody Marys are free until midnight. Enjoy yourselves.." Frankie said smiling at them and he walks away and they are all looking around.

"Well hats off to these idiots" Damon said as he takes his hat off and puts it back on. Damon sees Professor Shane. "Oh look, Professor Creepy"

"His name is Professor Shane. And he's not creepy." Bonnie said as she makes eye contact with Professor Shane then hands Elena her drink. "I am gonna go talk to him."

"You do that." Damon said as Xavier feels jealous.

Bonnie walks towards Professor Shane. Damon and Elena start walking into the party looking at people and Smith siblings follow them behindm

"Inebriated sleezeballs all covered in blood. Come on. Pick one." Damon said to Elena.. Bonnies walks up the stairs to Professor Shane. Elena starts looking for her first victim. She finds a guy who is slipping roofies into a girl's drink.

"I think I found one." She said.

"Roofie guy?" Angelina asked and Elena nodded

Damon smirked "Nice choice. Go get him." He said and Elena walks over to the roofie guy and bumps him.

"Oh.. I am sorry...Drink?" Elena said and she hands him a drink.


They smile at each other and Elena walks away. Angelina rolled her eyes and then she noticed that her brother was not there. He walked away somewhere. Angelina went to find him but Xavier already came back.

"Hey, Lina. I am so bored here. I want to leave and I went to told Bonnie. Do you want to come?" Xavier asked and Angelina nodded.

"Yeah, sure."




Xavier and Lina are my favorite siblings.

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